Test Automation WebdriverIO and Cucumber BDD in JavaScript

Mastering Advanced BDD Automation with WebdriverIO, JavaScript, and Cucumber

In today’s fast development environment, effective communication among developers, testers, and stakeholders is the need of the hour. Cucumber BDD in JavaScript, by bridging the technical and non-technical team members, provides a powerful solution for the same. Writing tests in a natural, human-readable language helps everyone understand the behavior of the application from a business perspective.

We’ll talk in this blog about implementing Cucumber BDD in JavaScript and help you write clean, understandable test cases that reflect real-life user behavior. This would help set up your environment from scratch, creating feature files and executing them to incorporate BDD into your workflow on test automation using JavaScript. Get ready to learn how Cucumber BDD in JavaScript can improve collaboration, increase test coverage, and make your testing process more efficient!

Table of Content

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and Cucumber with JavaScript

For Overview of Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) ,Cucumber Basics and Setting Up the Environment You can refer our blog Cucumber BDD in JavaScript

How JavaScript Integrates with Cucumber?

JavaScript is another language that can be used in writing Cucumber tests, giving JavaScript developers a chance to utilize the capability of BDD offered by Cucumber. Cucumber-JS is one implementation of Cucumber in the JavaScript environment where one may write, run, and manage BDD tests.

Basic Steps to Integrate JavaScript with Cucumber

  • Writing Features in Gherkin: In the first step, the feature files are written with Gherkin syntax. The behavior of the system is described in plain English (or another natural language).
  • Step Definitions: Once a feature is written, JavaScript step definitions are developed to map Gherkin steps to actual JavaScript code implementing the actions. For example, given that a feature had the following 
  • step: Given I am on the homepage, this would have corresponding JavaScript in the step definition file that implements action to get to the home page.
  • Running the Tests: Once Gherkin features and JavaScript step definitions are created, Cucumber-JS executes the tests by running a scenario in the feature file and then matching those up with the corresponding step definition in JavaScript.
  • Assertions: Finally, the step definitions validate their expected behavior using JavaScript assertions – usually with libraries such as Chai or Jest.

Here’s an example of how Cucumber integrates with JavaScript.

Feature File (login.feature):

Feature: User login functionality
  Scenario: User logs in successfully
    Given I navigate to the login page
    When I enter valid credentials
    Then I should see the dashboard page

Step Definitions (loginSteps.js):

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { navigateToLoginPage, enterCredentials, seeDashboard } = require('./helpers');
Given('I navigate to the login page', async function() {
  await navigateToLoginPage();

When('I enter valid credentials', async function() {
  await enterCredentials('', 'password123');

Then('I should see the dashboard page', async function() {
  const dashboardVisible = await seeDashboard();

In this example:

  • Gherkin defines the behavior in a human-readable format.
  • JavaScript provides the actual test steps in loginSteps.js, where the step definitions map to functions that interact with the application.
  • Chai assertions are used to verify that the test behaves as expected.

Why Use Cucumber with JavaScript?

  • Seamless Integration with Web and Mobile Testing Frameworks: JavaScript is the language of choice for web applications testing with Selenium, WebDriverIO, or Cypress. For mobile applications testing, Appium supports the language as well. So, the combination of Cucumber with JavaScript lets teams leverage the strength of BDD and the flexibility of the chosen testing frameworks to easily write, maintain, and execute acceptance tests.
  • By writing tests in Gherkin: you are actually creating readable and maintainable specifications for your system’s behavior. This will make sure that anyone can understand the business requirements irrespective of their technical expertise and then verify that the application really meets them.
  • Unified Testing Approach: Cucumber-JS helps in unifying your testing approach by allowing frontend JavaScript-based tests and backend Node.js testing in one language, thus eliminating the context-switching between different languages and tools.
  • Collaboration among Stakeholders: Another strength of Cucumber is that it engages business analysts, testers, and developers in testing. Gherkin language makes writing tests quite easy, and therefore involving stakeholders in the development process ensures that the software does exactly what is expected of it by business stakeholders.
  • Cross-Platform Testing: Since Cucumber is a platform-agnostic tool, it can be used in conjunction with various testing frameworks for web applications (Selenium, Cypress) and mobile applications (Appium).

Writing Your First Cucumber Feature File

This tool supports BDD and writes tests in plain language for its users to read and be clearly understood both by technical as well as non-technical stakeholders. Cucumber test code is in Gherkin, the language which will describe test cases in specific syntax in the.feature file format.

This guide walks through the process of creating your first Cucumber feature file. You will see how to start with a basic example with Given, When, and Then steps as well as how to write tests in Gherkin.

Creating.feature Files

A feature file is a very simple text file with a `.feature` extension containing your test written in Gherkin syntax. The feature file describes a feature – typically a high-level description of the functionality – and all the scenarios that would point out how the feature should behave.

Here’s how to structure the .feature file:

  1. Feature: Describes the feature being tested.
  2. Scenario: Describes a specific situation or behavior within that feature.
  3. Given: A precondition or setup for the test.
  4. When: The action that takes place.
  5. Then: The expected outcome or result.
  6. And/But: Used to extend Given, When, and Then steps with more conditions.

Example of a Simple Feature File

Feature: User Login
  Scenario: User logs in with correct credentials
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user enters a valid username and password
    Then the user should be redirected to the homepage

This feature file is written in Gherkin syntax and describes the behavior of a user logging into a website with valid credentials.

Scenario with Given, When, Then Steps

Let’s break down the structure of a Gherkin scenario:

Given: This step sets up the initial state of the system.

  • It describes the conditions before the user performs any action.
  • Example: “Given the user is on the login page”

When: This step describes the action the user performs.

  • It defines what happens in response to the user’s actions.
  • Example: “When the user enters a valid username and password”

Then: This step describes the expected outcome or result of the action.

  • It specifies what the system should do after the action is performed.
  • Example: “Then the user should be redirected to the homepage”

You can also use And and But to group multiple conditions together within a single step:

Scenario: User logs in with incorrect credentials
  Given the user is on the login page
  When the user enters an invalid username
  And the user enters an invalid password
  Then the user should see an error message

In this example, And is used to add more steps in the “When” and “Then” sections.

Understanding Feature File Structure

A typical feature file structure consists of several key components:

Feature: The name of the feature you’re testing.

  • This can be followed by a short description of the feature.
  • Example: Feature: User Login and then a brief description of what this feature entails.

Scenario: Each scenario represents a specific test case or use case. This is the “test” part of the BDD scenario.

  • It provides specific examples of how the feature should work.

Steps: Steps are defined using the keywords Given, When, Then, And, and But, and explain the behavior of what is happening, or should happen.

Here’s an extended example with multiple scenarios and steps:

Feature: User Login
# Scenario 1: Successful login
 Scenario: User logs in with correct credentials
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user enters a valid username and password
    Then the user should be redirected to the homepage
# Scenario 2: Unsuccessful login with incorrect password
 Scenario: User logs in with incorrect password
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user enters a valid username and an incorrect  password
    Then the user should see an error message
# Scenario 3: Login with empty fields
  Scenario: User submits the form with empty fields
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user leaves the username and password fields empty
    Then the user should see a validation message

Connecting Cucumber with JavaScript

You can write your automated acceptance tests in an almost human-readable format when using Gherkin for expressing Cucumber. In this regard, you would typically pair these tests with JavaScript’s step definitions to run those tests in JavaScript.. In this section, we will walk through how to connect Cucumber with JavaScript, create step definitions, map Gherkin steps to JavaScript functions, and handle asynchronous actions using async/await.

Creating Step Definitions in JavaScript

Step definitions are JavaScript functions that are linked to the steps in your Gherkin scenarios. When a scenario step is executed, Cucumber will call the corresponding JavaScript function in your step definition files.

Step Definitions Structure:

  • Given: Sets up the initial state.
  • When: Describes the action or behavior.
  • Then: Specifies the expected outcome.

Example: Step Definitions File (steps.js)

steps.js File:

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const { browser } = require('webdriverio'); // Assuming you're using WebDriverIO for automation

// Mapping the "Given" step in the Gherkin file to this JavaScript function
Given('the user is on the login page', async function () {
  // Navigate to the login page (replace with your actual login page URL)
  await browser.url('');
  console.log('Navigating to the login page...');

// Mapping the "When" step in the Gherkin file to this JavaScript function
When('the user enters a valid username and password', async function () {
  // Replace these with your actual locators for the username and password fields
  const usernameField = await $('#username'); // CSS selector for username input field
  const passwordField = await $('#password'); // CSS selector for password input field

  // Replace with valid credentials
  const validUsername = 'testuser';
  const validPassword = 'Test1234';

  // Input the username and password
  await usernameField.setValue(validUsername);
  await passwordField.setValue(validPassword);
  console.log('Entering valid credentials...');

// Mapping the "Then" step in the Gherkin file to this JavaScript function
Then('the user should be redirected to the homepage', async function () {
  // Wait for the homepage element to be visible 
  const homepageElement = await $('#homepage'); // CSS selector for an element that confirms the homepage has loaded

  // Assert that the homepage element is displayed
  const isDisplayed = await homepageElement.isDisplayed();
  if (isDisplayed) {
    console.log('User successfully redirected to the homepage.');
  } else {
    console.log('Redirection to homepage failed.');

In this example, each of the Gherkin steps (Given, When, Then) is mapped to a JavaScript function. These functions contain the logic for interacting with the application, such as navigating to a page, entering credentials, checking the redirection.

Mapping Gherkin Steps to JavaScript Functions

Gherkin steps (e.g., Given, When, Then) are mapped to JavaScript functions through regular expressions or step definitions. Cucumber uses regular expressions to match the Gherkin steps and map them to the corresponding JavaScript functions.

Here’s a closer look at how mapping works:


  • Describes the state of the system before the action happens.
  • Example: “Given the user is on the login page”


  • Describes an action taken by the user.
  • Example: “When the user enters a valid username and password”


  • Describes the expected outcome after the action.
  • Example: “Then the user should be redirected to the homepage”

These steps in the feature file are mapped to step definition functions in the JavaScript file. For example:

  • Gherkin: Given the user is on the login page
  • JavaScript: Given(‘the user is on the login page’, function() { /* code */ });

Regular Expressions and Cucumber Steps

Cucumber allows you to use regular expressions or literal strings to define step definitions. The expression in the step definition should match the Gherkin step text.


Given("I am on the {string} page", function (pageName) {
  // Perform action based on the page name
  console.log(`Navigating to ${pageName} page`);

In this case, {string} is a parameter that Cucumber passes into the function as pageName.

Using async/await for Asynchronous Actions in Step Definitions

JavaScript, especially in modern applications, often involves asynchronous actions (e.g., interacting with a database, waiting for API calls, or automating browser actions with a tool like WebDriverIO or Selenium). Since Cucumber runs in an asynchronous environment, it is important to handle asynchronous steps using async/await.

Here’s how you can use async/await in Cucumber step definitions:

Example of Asynchronous Step Definitions

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

Given('the user is on the login page', async function () {
  await navigateToLoginPage();

When('the user enters a valid username and password', async function () {
  await enterCredentials('validUser', 'validPassword');

Then('the user should be redirected to the homepage', async function () {
  const isRedirected = await checkRedirection();
  if (isRedirected) {
    console.log('User redirected to homepage');
  } else {
    console.log('User not redirected');

async function navigateToLoginPage() {
  console.log('Navigating to the login page...');
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

async function enterCredentials(username, password) {
  console.log(`Entering username: ${username} and password: ${password}`);
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

async function checkRedirection() {
  console.log('Checking if the user is redirected to the homepage...');
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2000);

In this example:

  • Each of the steps (Given, When, Then) is asynchronous and uses async/await to handle tasks such as navigating to pages, entering data, or checking results.
  • The checkRedirection() function returns a promise, which simulates an asynchronous check for a redirect.

Step Definitions Syntax

Cucumber step definitions are written using a syntax that matches the Gherkin steps. You use the Given, When, Then, And, and But keywords to define steps in the feature file, and then map these steps to JavaScript functions.

Basic Syntax:

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

Given('the user is on the login page', async function () {
  await browser.url('');

When('the user enters a valid username and password', async function () {
  const usernameInput = await $('#username');
  const passwordInput = await $('#password');
  const loginButton = await $('#login-button');
  await usernameInput.setValue('validUser');
  await passwordInput.setValue('validPassword');

Then('the user should be redirected to the homepage', async function () {
  const currentUrl = await browser.getUrl();
  if (currentUrl !== '') {
    throw new Error(`Expected to be redirected to the homepage, but was redirected to ${currentUrl}`);

Using Parameters in Steps:

You can use parameters in the Gherkin steps and pass them into the step definitions. These parameters can be anything, such as a page name, a username, or an expected outcome.

Example with parameters:

Given('the user is on the {string} page', function (pageName) {
  // Code to navigate to a dynamic page
  console.log(`Navigating to the ${pageName} page.`);

In this example:

  • {string} is a placeholder that will be replaced with a value (e.g., “login” or “dashboard”) when the feature is run.
  • The parameter pageName is passed into the function, where you can use it to navigate to the appropriate page.

Writing Test Steps with WebDriverIO + Cucumber

Interacting with Web Elements (Click, Set Value, Assert Text)

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const assert = require('assert');

Given(/^I am on the "([^"]*)" page$/, async (pageName) => {
    if (pageName === 'homepage') {
        await browser.url('');
    } else if (pageName === 'dashboard') {
        await browser.url('');
    } else {
        throw new Error(`Page "${pageName}" not recognized.`);

When(/^I click the "([^"]*)" button$/, async (buttonText) => {
    const button = await $(`button=${buttonText}`);

Then(/^I should see the text "([^"]*)"$/, async (expectedText) => {
    const pageText = await $('body').getText();
    try {
        assert(pageText.includes(expectedText), `Expected text to include "${expectedText}", but found "${pageText}".`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.log('Assertion failed:', error);
        throw error;

When(/^I set the value of the "([^"]*)" field to "([^"]*)"$/, async (fieldName, value) => {
    const inputField = await $(`input[name="${fieldName}"]`);
    if (inputField) {
        await inputField.setValue(value);
    } else {
        throw new Error(`Field "${fieldName}" not found.`);

Navigating to Different Pages

To test navigation, use the browser’s url function and verify the result after the action.

Given(/^I am on the homepage$/, async () => {
    await browser.url('');

When(/^I navigate to the "([^"]*)" page$/, async (pageName) => {
    if (pageName === 'about') {
        await browser.url('');
    // You can add more conditions to handle other page navigations

Then(/^I should be on the "([^"]*)" page$/, async (expectedPage) => {
    if (expectedPage === 'about') {
        const currentUrl = await browser.getUrl();
        assert(currentUrl.includes('about'), 'Expected to be on the About page');

Waiting for Elements (timeouts, waits)

WebDriverIO has several ways to wait for elements, such as waitForExist(), waitForDisplayed(), or custom waits. Here’s an example using waitForDisplayed():
const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const assert = require('assert');

When(/^I click the "([^"]*)" button$/, async (buttonText) => {
    const button = await $(`button=${buttonText}`);
    try {
        await button.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 5000 });
        console.log(`Clicked the button with text: ${buttonText}`);
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`Failed to click the button with text "${buttonText}". Button might not be visible or clickable.`);

Then(/^I should see the "([^"]*)" button$/, async (buttonText) => {
    const button = await $(`button=${buttonText}`);
    try {
        await button.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 5000 });
        const isDisplayed = await button.isDisplayed();
        assert(isDisplayed, `Button with text "${buttonText}" should be displayed`);
        console.log(`Button with text "${buttonText}" is visible.`);
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`Button with text "${buttonText}" not found or not displayed after waiting.`);

Explanation: waitForDisplayed() waits for an element to be visible before proceeding with the next action. You can adjust the timeout value as needed.

Handling Dynamic Content (Waiting for Changes)

For handling dynamic content like loading spinners, you can wait until certain elements are either displayed or hidden.

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const assert = require('assert');

When(/^I click the "([^"]*)" button$/, async (buttonText) => {
    const button = await $(`button=${buttonText}`);
    try {
        await button.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 5000 });
        console.log(`Clicked the button with text: ${buttonText}`);
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`Failed to click the button with text "${buttonText}". It might not be visible or clickable after waiting for 5 seconds.`);

Then(/^I should see the "([^"]*)" button$/, async (buttonText) => {
    const button = await $(`button=${buttonText}`);
    try {
        await button.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 5000 });
        const isDisplayed = await button.isDisplayed();
        assert(isDisplayed, `Expected the button with text "${buttonText}" to be displayed, but it was not.`);
        console.log(`Button with text "${buttonText}" is visible.`);
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`Button with text "${buttonText}" was not found or not displayed after waiting for 5 seconds.`);

Explanation: This waits for the loading spinner to appear and disappear after submitting a form. We use waitForDisplayed() with the reverse: true option to check if the element disappears.

Using Cucumber Tags and Hooks

Tags in Cucumber are used to group and filter tests. You can tag features or scenarios with custom labels to organize and selectively run them.

What are Cucumber Tags?

  • Tags are special annotations in Cucumber that help categorize tests.
  • You can add tags to features or scenarios in your .feature files.
  • Tags are prefixed with @ (e.g., @smoke, @regression).
  • Multiple tags can be used, separated by spaces (e.g., @smoke @highpriority).
  • Tags allow for easy filtering, running specific subsets of tests, or organizing your test scenarios by functionality or priority.

Applying Tags to Features and Scenarios

Tags can be applied to both Feature and Scenario levels.

Example: Feature Level

@regression @login
Feature: Login functionality
  Scenario: User logs in with valid credentials
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user enters valid credentials
    Then the user should be logged in successfully

Example: Scenario Level

Feature: Checkout functionality

  Scenario: User checks out successfully
    Given the user has items in the cart
    When the user proceeds to checkout
    Then the user should be taken to the payment page
  Scenario: User fails checkout due to empty cart
    Given the cart is empty
    When the user attempts to checkout
    Then the user should see an error message

Running Tests Based on Tags

You can run specific tests based on tags using Cucumber’s command-line interface.

Example Command:

  • cucumber-js –tags @smoke

This will run all scenarios with the @smoke tag. You can also combine tags to run specific subsets of tests.

Example of Combining Tags:

  • cucumber-js –tags “@smoke and @regression”

This will run scenarios that are tagged with both @smoke and @regression.

Example of Excluding Tags:

  • cucumber-js –tags “not @slow”

This will run all tests except those that are tagged with @slow.

Cucumber Hooks

Hooks are special methods in Cucumber that allow you to run code before or after a test, scenario, or feature.

  • Before Hook

The Before hook runs before each scenario or feature. You can use it to set up test data, initialize test objects, or perform any necessary steps before the test executes.

Example: Before Hook

const { Before } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
Before(async function () {
  console.log('Setting up before scenario');
  await browser.url('');
  const usernameField = await $('#username');
  const passwordField = await $('#password');
  await usernameField.setValue('testuser');
  await passwordField.setValue('password123');
  const loginButton = await $('button[type="submit"]');
  await $('#dashboard').waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 5000 });
  • After Hook

The After hook runs after each scenario or feature. It’s useful for cleanup tasks, such as deleting test data, logging out, or closing browser windows.

Example: After Hook

const { After } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
After(async function () {
  console.log('Cleaning up after scenario');
  // Example: Log out the user if logged in
  const logoutButton = await $('#logout');
  if (await logoutButton.isDisplayed()) {

  // Example: Clear any test data if necessary (e.g., clear the cart)
  const cartItems = await $$('.cart-item');
  if (cartItems.length > 0) {
    for (const item of cartItems) {
      await; // Example: remove item from cart
  • BeforeAll Hook

The BeforeAll hook runs once before all scenarios in a feature file. It’s useful for any setup that is required only once, such as database connections or opening a browser session.

Example: BeforeAll Hook

const { BeforeAll } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
BeforeAll(function () {
  console.log('Setting up before all scenarios');
  // Setup code that only needs to run once
  • AfterAll Hook

The AfterAll hook runs once after all scenarios in a feature file. This is useful for cleanup actions that need to happen once after all tests, such as closing a browser or disconnecting from a database.

Example: AfterAll Hook

const { AfterAll } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

AfterAll(function () {

  console.log('Cleaning up after all scenarios');

  // Cleanup code that only needs to run once


Executing Code Before/After Tests or Scenarios

You can use the Before and After hooks to execute code before or after each individual test scenario. The BeforeAll and AfterAll hooks are executed once for the entire test suite.

Example: Combining Hooks in JavaScript

const { BeforeAll, Before, After, AfterAll, Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const assert = require('assert');

BeforeAll(async function () {
  console.log('Running BeforeAll: Initializing browser session');
  await browser.url(''); // Open the website before any tests

Before(async function () {
  console.log('Running Before: Setting up test data');
  // Set up pre-condition data for each scenario like checking if user is logged in
  const loginButton = await $('#loginButton');
  if (await loginButton.isDisplayed()) {

Given('I am on the login page', async function () {
  console.log('Scenario starts: Navigating to login page');
  const loginPageUrl = '';
  await browser.url(loginPageUrl); // Navigate to the login page

When('I log in with valid credentials', async function () {
  console.log('User logs in');
  const usernameField = await $('#username'); // Locator for username field
  const passwordField = await $('#password'); // Locator for password field
  const submitButton = await $('#submit'); // Locator for submit button

  // Interact with login form
  await usernameField.setValue('testuser'); // Input username
  await passwordField.setValue('password123'); // Input password
  await; // Click submit button

Then('I should be logged in successfully', async function () {
  console.log('Verifying successful login');
  const dashboardTitle = await $('#dashboardTitle'); // Locator for an element visible after login
  // Wait for the dashboard title to be displayed, indicating login success
  await dashboardTitle.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 5000 }); 
  assert(await dashboardTitle.isDisplayed(), 'Dashboard title should be displayed after login');

After(async function () {
  console.log('Running After: Cleaning up after scenario');
  const logoutButton = await $('#logoutButton'); // Locator for logout button
  if (await logoutButton.isDisplayed()) {
    await; // Log out if the logout button is displayed

AfterAll(async function () {
  console.log('Running AfterAll: Closing browser session');
  await browser.close(); // Close the browser session after all tests are done

Benefits of Using Hooks and Tags

  • Separation of Concerns: Hooks allow you to isolate setup and teardown logic from the actual test scenarios, keeping the tests clean.
  • Reusability: Hooks can be reused across multiple scenarios, reducing redundancy.
  • Filtering Tests: Tags enable you to run subsets of tests, which is particularly useful for large test suites. You can tag tests as @smoke, @regression, @sanity, and run them selectively to ensure fast feedback on critical functionality.
  • Test Environment Setup: With hooks, you can prepare and clean up the test environment before and after running tests.

Data-Driven Testing with Cucumber

Data-driven testing allows testing the application with numerous sets of input data without repeated test scenarios for each dataset, which makes it a powerful approach. In Cucumber, the same can be achieved with the help of examples in Gherkin syntax where data will be passed down to the step definitions while working with tables.

Let’s dive into each aspect of data-driven testing in Cucumber.

Using Examples in Gherkin

Examples in Gherkin allow you to run the same scenario multiple times with different sets of input data. This is often referred to as parameterized testing.

You can define examples directly below a scenario using the Examples keyword, followed by a table containing the test data.

Example Scenario with Examples Table

Feature: Login functionality

  Scenario Outline: User logs in with different credentials
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user enters "<username>" and "<password>"
    Then the user should be logged in successfully
      | username     | password  |
      | user1        | password1 |
      | user2        | password2 |
      | user3        | password3 |

In this example, the same scenario is run with three different sets of data:

  • user1 with password1
  • user2 with password2
  • user3 with password3

How It Works:

  • Scenario Outline: A template for the scenario where placeholders (e.g., <username> and <password>) are used for dynamic data.
  • Examples Table: The actual data that will be substituted into the placeholders. Each row represents a test case.

Passing Data from the Feature File to Step Definitions

Once the data is provided in the Examples table, Cucumber will automatically substitute the placeholders in the step definition with the actual values from each row.

Step Definition for the Scenario

In the step definition, we can reference the placeholders defined in the Gherkin scenario outline. These are passed as parameters to the step definition methods.

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

Given('the user is on the login page', function () {
  console.log('User is on the login page');

When('the user enters "{string}" and "{string}"', function (username, password) {
  console.log(`User enters username: ${username} and password: ${password}`);
  // Code to simulate login with the provided username and password

Then('the user should be logged in successfully', function () {
  console.log('User successfully logged in');
  // Code to verify that the user is logged in


  • The placeholders like {string} in the When step are matched with the data from the examples table.
  • The values from the table (user1, password1, etc.) are passed to the step definition function as arguments (username, password).

Parameterized Tests and Looping Through Examples

Cucumber automatically loops through each row in the Examples table and executes the scenario for each set of parameters. This eliminates the need for manually writing separate tests for each dataset.

Example: Parameterized Test

Cucumber automatically loops through each row in the Examples table and executes the scenario for each set of parameters. This eliminates the need for manually writing separate tests for each dataset.

Scenario Outline: User registers with different data
    Given the user navigates to the registration page
    When the user enters "<email>" and "<password>"
    Then the registration should be successful


      | email               | password  |
      |   | pass123   |
      |   | pass456   |
      |   | pass789   |

In this case, the same scenario is tested with three different sets of email and password data.

Working with Tables in Gherkin

Tables in Gherkin are used to pass multiple sets of data to a scenario. This is often done using the Examples keyword, but tables can also be used in Given, When, and Then steps for more complex data structures, such as lists or more detailed inputs.

Example with a Table in the Scenario Steps

Let’s say we want to test a scenario where a user adds multiple items to their shopping cart.

Feature: Shopping Cart

 Scenario: User adds items to the cart
    Given the user is on the shopping page
    When the user adds the following items to the cart:
      | item        | quantity | price |
      | Laptop      | 1        | 1000  |
      | Smartphone  | 2        | 500   |
      | Headphones  | 1        | 200   |
    Then the total price should be 2200

Step Definition for Table Data

In the step definition, you can pass the table as an argument and iterate through it.

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

Given('the user is on the shopping page', function () {
  console.log('User is on the shopping page');

When('the user adds the following items to the cart:', function (dataTable) {
  let totalPrice = 0;
  dataTable.rows().forEach(row => {
    const item = row[0];   // Item name
    const quantity = parseInt(row[1]);  // Quantity
    const price = parseInt(row[2]);     // Price per item

 console.log(`Added ${quantity} of ${item} with price ${price} each.`);
    totalPrice += quantity * price;
  this.totalPrice = totalPrice;  // Save the total price for validation later

Then('the total price should be {int}', function (expectedTotal) {
  console.log(`Expected total price: ${expectedTotal}, Actual total price: ${this.totalPrice}`);
  if (this.totalPrice !== expectedTotal) {
    throw new Error(`Total price mismatch! Expected: ${expectedTotal}, but got: ${this.totalPrice}`);


  • dataTable.rows() provides an array of rows from the table.
  • Each row in the table is an array of values (in this case: item, quantity, and price).
  • The code loops through the rows, calculates the total price, and stores it in the this.totalPrice property to validate it later.

Assertions and Validations in Cucumber

Assertions are very essential in test automation because it verifies that the system acts as expected. In Cucumber, assertions help check both the functionality and the UI of an application. In JavaScript, WebDriverIO is a popular automation framework for interacting with web elements, and it provides a rich set of assertion methods.

Let’s explore how to use assertions in Cucumber with WebDriverIO, handle validation errors, and verify the UI and functionality of an application.

Using WebDriverIO Assertions

WebDriverIO provides several built-in assertion methods that help you verify various conditions during test execution. Some of the most common WebDriverIO assertions are:

  • .toBe()
  • .toHaveText()
  • .toExist()
  • .toHaveValue()
  • .toBeDisplayed()

These assertions are used to validate web elements and ensure that the application behaves correctly. They are generally used in the step definitions to validate different parts of the application (e.g., page elements, text content, etc.).

Common WebDriverIO Assertions

  • toBe(): Verifies that a value is exactly equal to the expected value.
const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
Given('I am on the login page', async function () {
  await browser.url('');

When('I enter valid credentials', async function () {
  await $('#username').setValue('user1');
  await $('#password').setValue('password1');
  await $('#loginButton').click();

Then('I should be logged in', async function () {
  const url = await browser.getUrl();
  • toHaveText(): Verifies that an element has a specific text.
Then('the welcome message should be displayed', async function () {
  const message = await $('#welcomeMessage').getText();
  expect(message).toHaveText('Welcome, user1!');
  • toExist(): Verifies that an element exists in the DOM.
Then('the login button should be present', async function () {
  const button = await $('#loginButton');
  • toHaveValue(): Verifies that an input field has the correct value.
Then('the username field should have the correct value', async function () {
  const usernameField = await $('#username');
  • toBeDisplayed(): Verifies that an element is visible on the page.
Then('the login button should be displayed', async function () {
  const loginButton = await $('#loginButton');

Custom Assertions in Step Definitions

In addition to WebDriverIO’s built-in assertions, you may need to create custom assertions for more complex validation logic, especially if your tests need to check specific conditions or complex business rules.

Example: Custom Assertion for Validating a Range

Let’s say you want to verify that a price is within a valid range:

const { Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

Then('the product price should be between {int} and {int}', async function (minPrice, maxPrice) {
  const priceElement = await $('#productPrice');
  const price = parseFloat(await priceElement.getText().replace('$', '').trim());
  if (price < minPrice || price > maxPrice) {
    throw new Error(`Price ${price} is not within the expected range of ${minPrice} to ${maxPrice}`);
  console.log(`Price ${price} is within the expected range.`);

This custom assertion checks if the price of a product is within the specified range and throws an error if it’s not.

Handling Validation Errors

When validation fails in Cucumber with WebDriverIO, you want to make sure that errors are handled gracefully and that test results provide meaningful feedback. This can be achieved by using try-catch blocks, handling exceptions, and reporting meaningful error messages.

Example: Handling Validation Errors

const { Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

Then('I should see an error message', async function () {
  try {
    const errorMessageElement = await $('#errorMessage');
    const errorMessage = await errorMessageElement.getText();
    expect(errorMessage).toBe('Invalid credentials');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error while validating the error message:', error);
    throw new Error('Error while validating the error message');

In this example, if an error occurs while finding or validating the error message, it’s caught and reported. This makes it easier to diagnose issues in your tests.

Using Assertions to Verify UI and Functionality

Assertions are not limited to verifying backend functionality. They are also used to validate the UI elements, ensuring that the application behaves as expected and providing feedback to users.

Example 1: Verifying UI Elements

You can verify if elements like buttons, inputs, and links are present and functioning as expected:

Then('the login button should be enabled', async function () {
  const loginButton = await $('#loginButton');
  const isEnabled = await loginButton.isEnabled();

Then('the submit button should be visible', async function () {
  const submitButton = await $('#submitButton');

Example 2: Verifying Page Title

Assertions can also be used to verify the title of the page:

Then('the page title should be {string}', async function (expectedTitle) {
  const pageTitle = await browser.getTitle();

Example 3: Verifying Form Submission

You might want to verify that a form was successfully submitted:

When('I submit the registration form', async function () {
  await $('#username').setValue('newuser');
  await $('#password').setValue('newpassword');
  await $('#submitButton').click();

Then('I should see the confirmation message', async function () {
  const confirmationMessage = await $('#confirmationMessage');
  expect(confirmationMessage).toHaveText('Registration successful!');

This test submits a form and verifies that the confirmation message appears after submission.

Best Practices for Assertions and Validations in Cucumber

  • Use WebDriverIO assertions: WebDriverIO comes with built-in assertions that cover a wide range of checks, including visibility, existence, text matching, and more.
  • Keep assertions in the steps: Place assertions directly in the step definitions to make tests more readable and to ensure that test execution flows naturally.
  • Clear error messages: When handling validation errors, make sure error messages are clear and provide context for the failure.
  • Custom assertions: For more complex conditions, create custom assertions to handle specific validation logic or business rules.
  • UI validation: Use assertions not only to validate functional aspects of your application but also to verify UI elements and behavior (e.g., visibility, enabled/disabled state, text content).
  • Handle asynchronous behavior: Cucumber with WebDriverIO operates asynchronously, so always handle promises and use async/await when interacting with web elements.

Organizing Tests with Cucumber

Creating Reusable Step Definitions

Reusable step definitions are one of the core principles of making your tests scalable and maintainable. You define reusable steps to handle common operations across multiple feature files.

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

// Reusable step to navigate to a URL
Given('I navigate to the {string} page', async function (url) {
  await this.driver.get(url); // Assuming this.driver is properly initialized

// Reusable step for clicking a button
When('I click the {string} button', async function (buttonText) {
  const button = await this.driver.findElement({ xpath: `//button[contains(text(), '${buttonText}')]` });

// Reusable step for verifying the page title
Then('I should see the page title {string}', async function (expectedTitle) {
  const title = await this.driver.getTitle();
  if (title !== expectedTitle) {
    throw new Error(`Expected title to be ${expectedTitle} but got ${title}`);

Here, the steps like I navigate to the {string} page, I click the {string} button, and I should see the page title {string} are reusable. You can call them from any feature file.

Example Feature File:

Feature: User Login
  Scenario: User navigates to login page
    Given I navigate to the "login" page
    When I click the "Login" button
    Then I should see the page title "Login Page"

Modularizing Feature Files

Modularization is the breaking down of your feature files into smaller, more manageable pieces. Instead of one large feature file, you can create multiple smaller feature files based on different functionality.

For instance:

  • login.feature: Contains scenarios for user login.
  • registration.feature: Contains scenarios for user registration.
  • product.feature: Contains scenarios for product-related functionality.

This approach makes your tests more maintainable and ensures that your feature files are focused on specific areas of the application.

Using Page Object Model (POM) with Cucumber

The Page Object Model is a design pattern that helps keep your test code clean and maintainable.

With POM, you create a page object for each page in your application that contains methods for interacting with the page elements. Instead of having step definitions with direct interactions with the DOM, you call methods from the corresponding page object.

Example of Page Object Model Implementation:

Page Object (LoginPage.js):

class LoginPage {
  constructor() {
    // Define the element selectors directly as strings
    this.usernameInput = '#username';
    this.passwordInput = '#password';
    this.loginButton = '#login-button';

  // Method to enter the username
  async enterUsername(username) {
    const usernameField = await $(this.usernameInput);  // Using WebDriverIO's $() for element selection
    await usernameField.setValue(username);  // setValue is used in WebDriverIO to enter text

  // Method to enter the password
  async enterPassword(password) {
    const passwordField = await $(this.passwordInput);  // Locate the password field
    await passwordField.setValue(password);  // Enter password using setValue

  // Method to click the login button
  async clickLoginButton() {
    const loginButton = await $(this.loginButton);  // Locate the login button
    await;  // Click on the login button

module.exports = LoginPage;

Step Definition (login_steps.js):

const { Given, When, Then } = require('cucumber');
const LoginPage = require('../pages/LoginPage');
const { driver } = require('../support/driver');

let loginPage;

Given('I am on the login page', async function () {
  loginPage = new LoginPage(driver);
  await driver.get('');

When('I enter {string} in the username field', async function (username) {
  await loginPage.enterUsername(username);

When('I enter {string} in the password field', async function (password) {
  await loginPage.enterPassword(password);

When('I click the login button', async function () {
  await loginPage.clickLoginButton();

Then('I should be redirected to the dashboard', async function () {
  const currentUrl = await driver.getCurrentUrl();
  if (!currentUrl.includes('dashboard')) {
    throw new Error(`Expected dashboard URL, but got ${currentUrl}`);

By using Page Objects, your step definitions become cleaner and more reusable. The logic for interacting with the page is encapsulated inside the Page Object, and your steps simply call the Page Object methods.

Grouping Scenarios and Features

As your test suite grows, you may want to organize scenarios by functionality, user role, or feature. You can group scenarios within a feature file using @tags or organize them in different feature files.

Using Tags to Group Scenarios:

Feature: User login

  Scenario: Valid login with correct credentials
    Given I navigate to the "login" page
    When I enter "user" in the username field
    And I enter "password" in the password field
    Then I should be redirected to the dashboard

  Scenario: Invalid login with incorrect credentials
    Given I navigate to the "login" page
    When I enter "invalidUser" in the username field
    And I enter "invalidPass" in the password field
    Then I should see an error message

You can run scenarios with specific tags to focus on certain tests during execution:

  • npx cucumber-js –tags @smoke

Best Practices for Maintaining Tests

To maintain a healthy and scalable Cucumber-based testing suite, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep Feature Files Small and Focused: Organize feature files by functionality, avoiding large files.
  2. Use Reusable Step Definitions: Define common steps that can be reused across different scenarios and feature files.
  3. Adopt Page Object Model: Use POM to separate page interactions from test logic, making tests easier to maintain.
  4. Use Tags for Grouping: Organize tests using tags to run specific subsets of tests, e.g., smoke, regression, or performance.
  5. Maintain Consistent Naming Conventions: Use clear and consistent naming for steps, features, and page objects.
  6. Ensure Tests Are Independent: Write scenarios that are independent of each other to avoid dependencies between them.
  7. Handle Test Data: Use hooks or external test data files to handle setup and teardown of test data.
  8. Review and Refactor Regularly: Continuously refactor your step definitions and feature files to avoid duplication and keep them maintainable.

Debugging Cucumber Tests in JavaScript

Debugging Cucumber tests can be very complex, but there are always ways to approach the debugging process in an efficient and effective way. Here’s a step-by-step guide for debugging your Cucumber tests in a JavaScript environment when you use WebDriverIO for browser automation.

Common Issues and Errors in Cucumber

Cucumber is a tool for Behavior-Driven Development, and it often deals with many components, including feature files, step definitions, and browser automation tools. Here are some common problems you might face:

Step Definition Mismatch

This is one of the most common errors in Cucumber tests. If your Gherkin step (from the .feature file) doesn’t match any step definition in your step definition file, you’ll see an error like:

undefined step: I have a login button on the page


  • Ensure the steps in your .feature file match the patterns defined in your step definition file.
  • Cucumber uses regular expressions to link Gherkin steps with step definitions. Double-check the regular expression patterns.

Element Not Found in WebDriverIO Tests

When running tests with WebDriverIO, you might encounter situations where an element is not found. The error might look like:

Error: NoSuchElementError: Unable to locate element with selector ‘button#login’


  • Verify the selector is correct.
  • Make sure the element is present and visible on the page at the time of the test. If your test runs too fast and the page is not fully loaded, you might encounter this error.
  • Use waitUntil() or browser.waitForExist() to make the test wait until the element is visible.

Timeout Issues

Cucumber and WebDriverIO often time out if certain conditions are not met in a reasonable time. For example, waiting for an element or page load might exceed the timeout period, causing the test to fail.


You can increase the timeout duration for WebDriverIO commands like waitForExist or waitForDisplayed.

  • browser.$(selector).waitForExist({ timeout: 10000 });

Alternatively, adjust the global timeout in the wdio.conf.js:

exports.config = {
  // Jasmine configuration
  jasmineNodeOpts: {
    defaultTimeoutInterval: 60000, // 60 seconds timeout
    print: function() {}  // Optionally, suppress the Jasmine print output

Using console.log() for Debugging Step Definitions

The console.log() method is one of the easiest and most commonly used techniques to debug JavaScript, and it’s no different in Cucumber tests. Here’s how you can use it effectively:

Step Definition Debugging

If your steps are not executing as expected, you can log the relevant data to trace through the problem:

Given('I navigate to the homepage', async () => {
  console.log('Navigating to homepage...');
  await browser.url('');
  console.log('Current URL:', await browser.getUrl());

When('I click on the login button', async () => {
  console.log('Clicking on the login button');
  const loginButton = await $('#login');
  console.log('Login button clicked');

Then('I should see the user dashboard', async () => {
  console.log('Waiting for user dashboard');
  const dashboard = await $('#dashboard');
  await dashboard.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 5000 });
  console.log('Dashboard displayed');

Log Data to Console

You can also log specific data, such as element text, attributes, or the current state of variables:

  • console.log(‘Text content of element:’, await element.getText());

Using console.log() in Gherkin Step Definitions

In Cucumber, steps defined with Given, When, or Then can include console.log() to trace data flow. However, logging in Gherkin files (.feature) directly isn’t possible, so place all logging in the corresponding step definition JavaScript file.

Running Tests in Verbose Mode

Verbose mode is useful for logging more detailed output when running tests. This mode gives insights into the individual steps, making it easier to identify where the issue might lie.

How to Enable Verbose Mode for WebDriverIO:

In the wdio.conf.js, you can enable verbose logging in the logLevel property:

exports.config = {

  logLevel: 'verbose'


This will provide more detailed logs when running the tests, including more detailed logs from WebDriverIO, such as network requests and browser interactions.

Cucumber Verbose Mode:

For Cucumber-specific logging, use the –verbose flag when running your tests via the command line:

  • npx cucumber-js –verbose

This will print more information about the steps and their execution, helping to track down where the issue occurs.

Additional Logging with Cucumber’s formatter Option:

You can also use different Cucumber formatters to output logs in various formats, like JSON, HTML, or progress. For instance:

  • npx cucumber-js –format progress
  • npx cucumber-js –format json:results.json

This will help you to generate detailed logs in a file that you can analyze after the test execution.

Debugging WebDriverIO Tests

WebDriverIO provides several options for debugging browser automation, including pausing tests, taking screenshots, and utilizing browser developer tools.

Pause and Step Through the Code

You can use browser.pause() to pause the execution of your test, which allows you to inspect the browser manually or inspect elements during the test execution.

Given('I navigate to the homepage', async () => {

  await browser.url('');

  browser.pause(5000); // Pauses the test for 5 seconds


Alternatively, you can use WebDriverIO’s built-in debugger. This allows you to step through your code and interact with the test as it executes. You can run WebDriverIO tests in “debug mode” by adding debugger to your step definition:

Given('I navigate to the homepage', async () => {

  await browser.url('');

  debugger;  // Pauses execution here for you to inspect the current state


You can then interact with the browser through the DevTools or console. The execution will pause when the debugger is hit, and you can inspect elements, variables, etc.

Taking Screenshots

Sometimes, it’s helpful to capture a screenshot when a test fails. WebDriverIO allows you to take screenshots programmatically:

afterTest: async (test) => {

  if (test.state === 'failed') {

    await browser.saveScreenshot(`./screenshots/${test.title}.png`);

This will capture a screenshot whenever a test fails, helping you visualize the problem.

Debugging WebDriverIO Locators

If you’re unsure about the locator being used, you can verify the element exists before performing any action. You can log the element to the console or check if it exists with waitForExist().

const loginButton = await $('#login');

console.log('Login button exists:', await loginButton.isExisting());

This gives you confidence that the selector is correct and the element is accessible.

Advanced Cucumber Features 

Cucumber is a powerful tool for behavior-driven development (BDD), and in JavaScript, it is commonly used with the cucumber package. Below is a deep dive into the advanced Cucumber features you mentioned, with examples for each one using JavaScript and the Cucumber framework.

Backgrounds in Gherkin

Backgrounds in Gherkin are used to set up common preconditions for multiple scenarios within a feature file. This eliminates the need to repeat the same steps across multiple scenarios.

Example of Background in Gherkin:

Feature: User login functionality

 Given the user is on the login page
    And the user enters valid credentials

  Scenario: User can log in successfully
    When the user submits the login form
    Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard

  Scenario: User enters invalid credentials
    When the user submits the login form
    Then the user should see an error message

In this example, the Background section sets up the steps that are common to both scenarios.

JavaScript Step Definitions:

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

Given('the user is on the login page', function () {
  // Code to navigate to the login page

Given('the user enters valid credentials', function () {
  // Code to enter valid username and password

When('the user submits the login form', function () {
  // Code to submit the form

Then('the user should be redirected to the dashboard', function () {
  // Code to verify the redirection

Then('the user should see an error message', function () {
  // Code to verify the error message

Scenario Outline with Examples

A Scenario Outline is used when you want to run the same scenario multiple times with different sets of data. This is achieved by using placeholders in the scenario and providing a set of examples.

Example of Scenario Outline in Gherkin:

Feature: User login functionality with multiple data sets

 Scenario Outline: User tries to log in with different credentials
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user enters "<username>" and "<password>"
    Then the user should see "<message>"

      | username  | password  | message              |
      | user1     | pass1     | Welcome, user1       |
      | user2     | pass2     | Welcome, user2       |
      | invalid   | wrong     | Invalid credentials  |

JavaScript Step Definitions:

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const assert = require('assert');

Given('the user is on the login page', async function () {
  // Navigate to the login page
  await browser.url('');  // Real URL of the login page

When('the user enters {string} and {string}', async function (username, password) {
  // Code to input the provided username and password
  const usernameField = await $('#username'); // Real locator for username field
  const passwordField = await $('#password'); // Real locator for password field
  await usernameField.setValue(username);  // Enter the username
  await passwordField.setValue(password);  // Enter the password
  const loginButton = await $('#login-button');  // Real locator for login button
  await;  // Click the login button

Then('the user should see {string}', async function (message) {
  // Verify the message (like a success or error message)
  const messageElement = await $('#login-message'); // Real locator for login message or error message
  const actualMessage = await messageElement.getText();
  assert.strictEqual(actualMessage, message, `Expected message to be "${message}" but got "${actualMessage}"`);

Reusable Step Libraries

Reusable step libraries allow you to abstract common steps into functions, making your tests more maintainable. This is done by separating step definitions into different files or modules.

Reusable Step Definitions Example:

You can create a loginSteps.js module for reusable login steps.

// loginSteps.js
const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

Given('the user enters valid credentials', async function () {
  this.username = 'validUser';
  this.password = 'validPassword';
  const usernameField = await $('#username');
  const passwordField = await $('#password');
  await usernameField.setValue(this.username);
  await passwordField.setValue(this.password);

When('the user submits the login form', async function () {
  const loginButton = await $('button[type="submit"]');

Then('the user should see the dashboard', async function () {
  const currentUrl = await browser.getUrl();
  const dashboardUrl = '';
  if (!currentUrl.includes(dashboardUrl)) {
    throw new Error(`Expected to be on the dashboard, but was on ${currentUrl}`);
  const dashboardElement = await $('#dashboard-welcome');
  const isDisplayed = await dashboardElement.isDisplayed();
  if (!isDisplayed) {
    throw new Error('Dashboard element not found.');

Then, you can import and use this in other feature files.

// anotherFeatureSteps.js
const loginSteps = require('./loginSteps');


Parallel Test Execution

Cucumber allows you to execute tests in parallel to speed up the execution. This is usually done by using a test runner like Cucumber.js with tools like Cucumber Parallel.

Example Configuration for Parallel Execution:

To enable parallel execution, you need to configure your test runner (e.g., using Cucumber.js with Mocha or Jest):

Install the necessary packages:

  • npm install @cucumber/cucumber cucumber-parallel

Configure your cucumber.json for parallel execution:

  "default": {
    "format": ["json:reports/cucumber_report.json"],
    "parallel": true

Run your tests in parallel:

  • npx cucumber-js –parallel 4

This runs the tests in 4 parallel processes.

Custom Cucumber Formatters for Reporting

Cucumber provides built-in formatters like json, html, and pretty, but you can also create custom formatters for reporting purposes.

Example of Custom Formatter:

To create a custom formatter, you need to implement a class that listens to events and formats the output accordingly.

// customFormatter.js
const { JsonFormatter } = require('@cucumber/formatter');

class CustomFormatter extends JsonFormatter {
  constructor(options) {

  handleTestCaseFinished(testCase) {
    console.log('Test finished:', testCase);

  handleTestStepFinished(testStep) {
    if (testStep.result.status === 'failed') {
      console.error('Step failed:', testStep);

module.exports = CustomFormatter;

Then, in the cucumber.json, you can specify the custom formatter.

  "format": ["node_modules/customFormatter.js"]

This will use your custom formatter to process test results and generate the output you desire.

Continuous Integration using Cucumber

Cucumber tests can also be integrated into a CI pipeline in order to automate running and ensure that the software being under development is reliable at different stages of the development process. Continuous Integration pipelines, setup with Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or GitLab CI, helps automate Cucumber tests and produces reports and aids in cooperation and collaboration among developers and QA teams.

Setting Up CI Pipelines

CI pipelines, such as those provided by Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or GitLab CI, automate the execution of tasks like code compilation, testing, and deployment. To include Cucumber in a CI pipeline:

  1. Install Necessary Dependencies: Ensure the CI environment has all dependencies required to run your Cucumber tests (e.g., Node.js, Java, or Ruby).
  2. Configure the Test Environment: Set up the CI tool to clone the repository, install dependencies, and execute test commands.
  3. Define CI Scripts: Create scripts that trigger Cucumber tests during the build process, usually defined in configuration files like Jenkinsfile, .github/workflows, or .gitlab-ci.yml.

Running Tests in CI/CD Environments

Running Cucumber tests in CI/CD involves integrating the test execution into automated workflows. Some best practices include:

  • Parallel Test Execution: Splitting tests across multiple agents or machines to reduce execution time.
  • Environment Configuration: Using CI variables or configuration files to manage test settings, such as browser types, API keys, or environment URLs.
  • Error Handling: Ensuring the pipeline captures failures and logs for debugging.

Integrating Cucumber Test Results with CI Tools

CI tools support integration with Cucumber’s output formats to display test results directly in their dashboards:

  • Cucumber JSON Reports: Generate JSON reports from Cucumber and configure CI tools to parse these for a visual summary of passed, failed, or skipped tests.
  • Third-Party Plugins: Use plugins or extensions for Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or GitLab CI to natively interpret Cucumber results and provide detailed reports.
  • Artifacts: Save generated test reports as artifacts for future reference or analysis.

Generating and Interpreting Cucumber Reports

Cucumber provides multiple reporting options, such as JSON, HTML, and JUnit XML formats. These reports can be:

  • Generated Post-Test Execution: By configuring Cucumber options to output reports in the desired format.
  • Analyzed in CI Dashboards: With built-in or custom parsers, CI tools can display detailed metrics like feature and scenario pass rates, durations, and failure reasons.
  • Used for Trend Analysis: Reports from multiple builds can be compared to identify test coverage trends or recurring issues.

By integrating Cucumber with CI, teams can enhance their automation processes, ensuring reliable and efficient testing workflows.

Stay tuned! Our upcoming blog on Continuous Integration will be published soon with all the details.

 Cucumber Reporting and Test Results

Cucumber provides several ways to generate reports for your tests, ranging from built-in reporters to third-party integrations. Here’s how to use these reporting features in Cucumber.js, generate various types of reports (JSON, HTML), and integrate with tools like Allure and Cucumber HTML Reporter to visualize test results.

Using Built-in Reporters in Cucumber.js

Cucumber.js includes a number of built-in reporters that allow outputting test results in different formats. Such reporters can provide valuable information about the process of running tests. Among the most widely used built-in reporters are:

  • Progress Reporter: A simple progress log is presented, indicating passed, failed, or skipped scenarios.
  • JSON Reporter: Test results are outputted in JSON format, which allows further processing and integration with other tools.
  • Summary Reporter: Provides a high-level summary of the test run, including the number of features, scenarios, and steps executed.

Generating JSON, HTML, and Other Reports

Cucumber allows you to generate reports in various formats, each serving a different purpose:

  • JSON Reports: This format provides machine-readable test results, ideal for integration with CI/CD tools or further analysis by other services.
  • HTML Reports: These are human-readable reports that carry summary test results with the help of a non-technical viewer. Cucumber does not natively support HTML report generation; however, JSON outputs can be used and transformed into an HTML-based output with the help of external tools.
  • JUnit XML Reports: This is commonly used within CI systems like Jenkins due to the organized result of the tests. They are also easy to parse, thus visualizing.

Integration with Third-party Reporting Tools (Allure, Cucumber HTML Reporter)

To add extra reporting features, one can make use of third-party reporting tools, Allure and Cucumber HTML Reporter.

  • Allure: This is a strong reporting framework that improves Cucumber output. Allure gives more interactive and graphically enhanced reports and allows the generation of more detailed visualizations and trend analysis.
  • Cucumber HTML Reporter: This tool converts the JSON output of Cucumber into a fully-featured, interactive HTML report. It provides a clean, structured view of the test results, making it easier for stakeholders to interpret the outcomes.

Visualizing Test Results

This makes visualization of the test results really essential for understanding how a test has performed and what the quality of the software is. It shows trends like pass/fail ratios, test durations, and where it needs more attention. Allure and Cucumber HTML Reporter allow charts, graphs, and step-by-step breakdowns to let teams easily know where they can optimize and make decisions.

To know more, keep watching for our new blog on reports soon!.


Integrating JavaScript and Cucumber gives a powerful Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) framework, making it possible to write clear, readable, and maintainable tests. An important benefit of using Cucumber is that it bridges technical and non-technical stakeholder gaps by using a Gherkin syntax: simple to understand and supporting collaboration. The flexibility of JavaScript in integration ensures that Cucumber can be used effectively in very diverse development environments.

QA can access a suite of tools that can better automate test practices when adopting Cucumber with JavaScript. This means writing feature files and defining test steps, handling asynchronous actions with async/await, and all that JavaScript does to amplify the power of Cucumber in real-world applications. This is easy to develop tests that are not only functional but scalable and maintainable to ensure long-term success in continuous integration and delivery pipelines.

In addition, JavaScript’s integration with WebDriverIO provides robust testing for web applications, ensuring that users can interact with web elements as expected and verifying their behavior. By utilizing features like data-driven testing, reusable step definitions, and modularized test suites, QA professionals can ensure comprehensive test coverage while maintaining clear and simple test scripts. Tags, hooks, and advanced reporting tools further enhance the flexibility and effectiveness of tests when using Cucumber.

In conclusion, JavaScript and Cucumber offer a range of benefits for QA teams, promoting efficient, collaborative, and scalable test automation. This integration allows for the creation of behavior-driven tests that accurately reflect user interactions and expectations. Additionally, it provides tools for easy debugging, maintenance, and optimization of the test suite, enabling teams to maintain high-quality software and deliver a seamless user experience across all platforms.

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Happy Testing 🙂