Best Practices Cypress Test Automation

Cypress Test Automation: Handling Complex Interactions

Cypress is a great tool for end-to-end testing. They are fast, easy to set up, and work well for modern web applications. However, like every other tool, they have their limits-certainly so when you are dealing with real complexities from the real world. Testers who have tried testing Shadow DOM elements, interaction with iframes, or methods of bypassing cross-origin restrictions know how it is not always that simple.

These frustrations can be quite frustrating at first, but they also offer you an opportunity to have a deeper grasp of Cypress and generally web testing. While the above issues ensure your tests are reliable, getting the right solutions offers you more confidence in the quality of the app you are building.

In this blog, we discuss common pain points users experience while using Cypress-being it running tests on drag-and-drop functionality or handling tricky form validations. More importantly, we show you practical approaches to solving them so you can take full advantage of everything Cypress has to offer, even when things get complex.

Table Of Content

Handling Shadow DOM in Cypress

Modern web applications often use Shadow DOM to encapsulate their components, keeping styles and DOM structure isolated. While this improves maintainability and prevents style conflicts, it can pose significant challenges for automation testing tools like Cypress. Elements hidden inside the Shadow DOM are not accessible using traditional selectors, making it tricky to interact with or assert on them.

Why Shadow DOM Matters

Imagine you’re testing a web component-based application where input fields or buttons are encapsulated in the Shadow DOM. Cypress, by default, cannot “see” these elements because they’re shielded by the shadow boundary.

For example:

  #shadow-root (open)
  <button id="submit">Submit</button>

In this scenario, trying to use cy.get(‘#submit’) will result in an error because the button is inside the Shadow DOM.

The Challenge

Traditional Cypress commands, such as cy.get(), cannot traverse the shadow boundary. This makes interacting with elements or asserting their properties a challenge for tests.

The Solution: Using Plugins or Workarounds

To work with Shadow DOM elements in Cypress, you can use the cypress-shadow-dom plugin. This plugin extends Cypress’s capabilities to pierce through the shadow boundary.

Here’s how you can handle the example above:

  • Install the Plugin:
    • npm install cypress-shadow-dom –save-dev
  • Add the Plugin to Cypress Commands: Add the following to your cypress/support/commands.js file
    • import ‘cypress-shadow-dom’;
  • Access the Shadow DOM Element: Now you can use .shadow() to interact with the button
    • cy.get(‘custom-component’).shadow().find(‘#submit’).click();
  • Alternative Approach: JavaScript Workaround: If you prefer not to use plugins, you can use Cypress’s invoke command to manually traverse the Shadow DOM
    • cy.get(‘custom-component’).shadow().find(‘button#submit’).click();

Real-World Example:

Let’s say you’re testing a custom dropdown component wrapped in Shadow DOM:

  #shadow-root (open)
    <li id="option-1">Option 1</li>
    <li id="option-2">Option 2</li>

To select “Option 2” inside the dropdown:

Approach 1 : use for interactions.

Approach 1 : use for validations.
  .should('have.text', 'Option 2');

Key Takeaway

Handling Shadow DOM might seem tricky at first, but with the right tools and techniques, Cypress can efficiently work with encapsulated elements. Plugins like cypress-shadow-dom make this process seamless, saving time and ensuring your tests remain robust and reliable.

File Upload and Download Testing in Cypress

File upload and download functionalities are common in many modern web applications, whether it’s uploading resumes, submitting documents, or downloading reports. However, automating these features in Cypress can be challenging because they often involve interactions with the local file system or asynchronous backend operations.

This guide walks you through testing both file uploads and downloads effectively in Cypress, complete with examples and practical tips.

File Upload Testing

Challenges with File Uploads

Automating file uploads can be tricky because you need to simulate attaching a file to an input field without directly interacting with the file system. Cypress provides a solution using fixture files stored in the cypress/fixtures folder.

Example: Testing a File Upload

Scenario: Test a form that allows users to upload a profile picture.

HTML code for the file input:

<form id="upload-form">
 <input type="file" id="profile-pic" name="profile-pic" />
 <button type="submit">Upload</button>

Steps to Test:

  1. Place a test file in the cypress/fixtures directory (e.g., profile-pic.jpg).
  2. Use the cy.get() method to locate the file input.
  3. Simulate the file upload with the attachFile method from the cypress-file-upload plugin.
  • Install the plugin first:
    • npm install –save-dev cypress-file-upload
import 'cypress-file-upload';

describe('File Upload Test', () => {
  it('should successfully upload a file', () => {
    // Navigate to the upload page
    // Attach the file
    // Submit the form
    // Verify the success message
    cy.contains('Upload successful').should('be.visible');

Tips for Secure/Dynamic File Uploads

  • If the upload requires authentication, ensure your test includes login steps.
  • For dynamic file uploads (e.g., files generated at runtime), create the file using Node.js before attaching it.

File Download Testing

Challenges with File Downloads

Cypress doesn’t provide native support for verifying file downloads because it cannot directly access the local file system. However, you can validate the behaviour by:

  1. Checking the API response that initiates the download.
  2. Validating the file exists in the designated download folder.

Example: Testing a File Download

Scenario: Test if a report downloads successfully when clicking a button.

HTML code for the download button:

<a href="/downloads/report.pdf" download id="download-btn">Download Report</a>

Steps to Test:

  1. Intercept the download request using cy.intercept().
  2. Verify the response status.
  3. Optionally, check if the file exists in the downloads directory using Node.js.
describe('File Download Test', () => {
  it('should initiate the file download', () => {
    // Intercept the file download request
    cy.intercept('GET', '/downloads/report.pdf').as('download'); 
    // Visit the download page
    // Click the download button
    // Wait for the download request and validate the response status
    cy.wait('@download').its('response.statusCode').should('eq', 200); 
    // Optional: Verify the file exists using Node.js
    const downloadPath = `${Cypress.config('downloadsFolder')}/report.pdf`;
    cy.readFile(downloadPath).should('exist'); // Assert the file is downloaded

Combining File Upload and Download in a Workflow

Many applications involve workflows where users upload a file, process it, and then download a result. Here’s an example of automating such a scenario.

Scenario: Upload a document, process it, and download the processed version.

Steps to Test:

  1. Upload the file using attachFile().
  2. Wait for a success message.
  3. Trigger the download process.
  4. Validate the download file.
describe('File Upload and Download Workflow', () => {
  it('should upload a file, process it, and download the result', () => {
    // Visit the file processing page

    // Upload the file

    // Start the processing

    // Confirm that processing is complete
    cy.contains('Processing complete').should('be.visible'); 

    // Intercept the download request
    cy.intercept('GET', '/downloads/processed-document.pdf').as('download'); 

    // Trigger the file download

    // Verify the download success response
    cy.wait('@download').its('response.statusCode').should('eq', 200); 

Key Takeaways

  • Use cypress-file-upload for seamless file upload testing.
  • Validate file downloads by intercepting network requests or checking the downloaded file.
  • Combine file upload and download scenarios for complete workflow automation.

With these techniques, testing file upload and download functionalities in Cypress becomes straightforward, reliable, and efficient. These examples provide a solid foundation for tackling even the most complex file-handling scenarios in your application.

Interacting with iframes in Cypress

iframes are a common feature in web applications, allowing developers to embed external content or isolate components within a webpage. Testing iframes, however, can be tricky because Cypress operates within the primary document’s scope and does not directly interact with iframe content. This limitation requires additional strategies to effectively test functionality within iframes.

This guide explores the challenges, solutions, and best practices for interacting with iframes in Cypress, along with practical examples.

Challenges of Testing iframes with Cypress

  1. Cross-Origin Restrictions: If the iframe content comes from a different origin, Cypress cannot access its content due to browser security policies.
  2. Context Switching: By default, Cypress operates in the main document’s context, making it unable to interact with elements inside the iframe without extra steps.

Loading Times: Iframe content may load asynchronously, requiring proper handling of waiting mechanisms.

Solutions for Interacting with iframes

Using Plugins like cypress-iframe

The cypress-iframe plugin simplifies iframe interaction by providing commands like cy.frameLoaded() and cy.iframe().

  1. Install the Plugin:
    •  npm install -D cypress-iframe
  2. Add it to Your Cypress Commands: Add this line to your cypress/support/commands.js file
    •  import ‘cypress-iframe’;

Example: Testing an iframe with embedded content

  • Scenario: Test an embedded YouTube video iframe.



Test Code:

describe('Iframe Interaction', () => {
  it('should verify YouTube video iframe loads', () => {
    // Visit the page with the iframe

    // Check if the iframe is loaded

    // Interact within the iframe

Using Native JavaScript for Custom Solutions

For scenarios where you don’t want to use plugins, you can rely on Cypress’s then() method and native DOM APIs to access the iframe content.

Example: HTML Element

<iframe id="content-frame" src="/iframe-content.html"></iframe>
describe('Native iframe interaction', () => {
  it('should interact with elements inside the iframe', () => {
    // Visit the page with the iframe

    // Access iframe content and interact with elements
    cy.get('#content-frame').then(($iframe) => {
      const iframeBody = $iframe.contents().find('body'); // Access iframe content
      cy.wrap(iframeBody).find('button#submit').click(); // Interact with iframe elements

Best Practices for Stable iframe Tests

  • Handle Asynchronous Loading:
    • Use cy.frameLoaded() or wait for the iframe to fully load before interacting with its content.
    • cy.get(‘iframe’).should(‘be.visible’).and(‘have.attr’, ‘src’);
  • Avoid Cross-Origin Testing:
    • If the iframe content is hosted on a different domain, consider mocking or stubbing the behaviour during tests to avoid cross-origin restrictions.
  • Use cy.wrap() for iframe Content:
    • Wrapping the iframe body with cy.wrap() ensures Cypress commands work seamlessly on iframe elements.
  • Isolate Tests:
    • Test iframe functionality independently to avoid flaky results caused by external factors on the page.

      Real-World Use Case: Testing a Payment Gateway iframe

Scenario: A payment form embedded in an iframe needs to be tested for entering card details and submitting the payment.


<iframe id=”payment-frame” src=”/payment-form.html”></iframe>

describe('Payment Gateway iframe Test', () => {
  it('should fill and submit payment form inside iframe', () => {
    // Visit the checkout page

    // Access the iframe and interact with the payment form elements
    cy.get('#payment-frame').then(($iframe) => {
      const iframeBody = $iframe.contents().find('body'); // Access iframe content
      // Fill in the payment form fields
      // Submit the payment form

    // Verify the payment success message is visible
    cy.contains('Payment Successful').should('be.visible');

Key Takeaways

  • Testing iframes in Cypress requires switching contexts, which can be managed using plugins or native JavaScript.
  • Plugins like cypress-iframe simplify interaction with iframes significantly.
  • Always ensure iframe content is fully loaded and accessible before interacting with it.
  • For cross-origin iframes, consider mocking requests or testing the iframe functionality separately.

By applying these strategies and best practices, you can effectively handle iframe-based scenarios and ensure reliable, robust test automation in Cypress.

Assertions on Complex Tables or Grids in Cypress

Modern web applications often display data in complex tables or grids that include features like sorting, filtering, pagination, and dynamic content loading. Testing these tables can be challenging due to their dynamic nature and the variety of interactions users can perform. Assertions on such tables require strategies to handle the DOM structure, asynchronous data updates, and dynamic content.

This guide dives into practical techniques for asserting complex tables or grids in Cypress, with detailed examples for real-world scenarios.

Challenges in Testing Complex Tables

  1. Dynamic Content:
    Data in tables is often loaded asynchronously via API calls, making it difficult to predict the exact state of the table during tests.
  2. Pagination:
    Large tables are paginated, requiring navigation and validation across multiple pages.
  3. Sorting and Filtering:
    Verifying that sorting or filtering functions correctly involves comparing the data with expected results.
  4. Nested or Complex Structures:
    Tables may include nested rows, expandable sections, or embedded components like buttons and dropdowns.

Strategies for Assertions on Complex Tables

  • Identifying Dynamic or Paginated Data

Use cy.intercept() to wait for API responses before interacting with or asserting on table data.

Example: Testing table data loaded via an API call.


<table id="user-table">
    <!-- Rows populated dynamically -->

Cypress Code:

describe('Dynamic Table Data', () => {
  it('should display correct data in the table', () => {
    // Mock the API response with a fixture
    cy.intercept('GET', '/api/users', { fixture: 'users.json' }).as('getUsers'); 
    // Navigate to the users page
    // Wait for the API response
    // Assert that the table has 3 rows
    cy.get('#user-table tbody tr').should('have.length', 3); 
    // Assert data in the first row
    cy.get('#user-table tbody tr').eq(0).within(() => {
      cy.get('td').eq(0).should('contain', 'John Doe'); // Assert name
      cy.get('td').eq(1).should('contain', ''); // Assert email
      cy.get('td').eq(2).should('contain', 'Admin'); // Assert role
  • Writing Assertions for Specific Rows, Columns, or Cell Values

To target specific table elements, use a combination of cy.get() and within().

Example: Testing cell values for a specific row.

cy.get('#user-table tbody tr').each(($row) => {
  // Wrap the row and assert that the name column (first td) is not empty
  • Verifying Sorting and Filtering

Sorting or filtering involves asserting that the data displayed in the table matches the expected order or criteria.

Example: Verifying sorting by name.

describe('Table Sorting', () => {
  it('should sort the table alphabetically by name', () => {
    // Click the sort button to sort the table by name

    // Get all the name cells in the first column and check the sorting
    cy.get('#user-table tbody tr td:nth-child(1)').then(($cells) => {
      // Extract text content from each cell
      const names = [...$cells].map((cell) => cell.textContent.trim());

      // Create a sorted version of the names array
      const sortedNames = [...names].sort(); // Sort names alphabetically

      // Assert that the names array is sorted alphabetically

Example: Verifying filtering.

describe('Table Filtering', () => {
  it('should display rows with the role "Admin" only', () => {
    // Apply the filter to display only "Admin" roles

    // Check each row in the table to ensure the role column contains "Admin"
    cy.get('#user-table tbody tr').each(($row) => {
      cy.wrap($row).find('td').eq(2).should('contain', 'Admin'); 
      // Assert each row in the role column contains "Admin"

Best Practices for Testing Complex Tables

  1. Wait for Data Loading:
    Use cy.intercept() to mock API responses or wait for network requests to complete before running assertions.
  2. Break Assertions into Smaller Units:
    Instead of validating the entire table at once, test row-by-row or column-by-column for better readability and debugging.
  3. Use Fixtures for Consistency:
    Mock table data with fixtures to avoid flaky tests caused by unpredictable backend responses.
  4. Combine UI and API Tests:
    Validate the correctness of table data both at the UI level and by directly asserting API responses.

Real-World Use Case: Testing a Paginated Table

Test Code:

describe('Paginated Table Test', () => {
  it('should navigate and validate data on the second page', () => {
    // Intercept the API call for the second page and mock the response with a fixture
    cy.intercept('GET', '/api/users?page=2', { fixture: 'users-page-2.json' }).as('getPage2');
    // Visit the users page
    // Click the "next" button to navigate to the next page

    // Wait for the API response for the second page

    // Validate that the second page has 3 rows
    cy.get('#user-table tbody tr').should('have.length', 3);
    // Validate the first row data on the second page
    cy.get('#user-table tbody tr').eq(0).within(() => {
      cy.get('td').eq(0).should('contain', 'Alice Johnson'); // Assert name in the first row

Key Takeaways

  • Complex tables require a mix of Cypress commands (cy.get(), cy.each(), cy.intercept()) and smart targeting techniques for assertions.
  • Sorting, filtering, and pagination can be tested reliably using dynamic data and API stubs.
  • Mocked API responses with fixtures ensure consistent and repeatable tests for tables.
  • Breaking down assertions row-by-row or column-by-column makes tests easier to maintain.

With these strategies, testing even the most dynamic and complex tables in your web application becomes straightforward and reliable.

Cross-Origin Testing in Cypress

Cross-origin testing is a critical aspect of modern web application testing, especially when dealing with workflows that span multiple domains. Many applications redirect users between domains for authentication, third-party integrations, or external resources. Cypress, by default, enforces the same-origin policy, which can pose challenges when testing such workflows. However, with the right configurations and strategies, you can overcome these limitations.

This blog explores the concept of cross-origin testing in Cypress, the challenges involved, and practical solutions with examples.

Challenges in Cross-Origin Testing

  1. Same-Origin Policy:Cypress’s architecture enforces that tests remain within the same origin (protocol, host, and port). Navigating between domains results in test failures or session loss.
  2. State and Session Management:Maintaining cookies, local storage, or other session data across domains can be problematic due to the strict separation of contexts.
  3. Complex Test Scenarios:Testing workflows like logging in through a third-party authentication provider (e.g., Google OAuth) or interacting with embedded widgets hosted on a different domain requires careful handling.

Solutions for Cross-Origin Testing

Cypress introduced the experimentalSessionAndOrigin flag to facilitate testing multi-origin workflows. When enabled, this flag allows you to navigate between different origins while retaining the ability to run commands and assertions.

Enable Experimental Features

Update the Cypress configuration file (cypress.config.js):

module.exports = {
  e2e: {
    experimentalSessionAndOrigin: true, // Enable cross-origin testing
    baseUrl: '',    // Primary domain

Testing Multi-Origin Workflows

Example: Testing login via a third-party authentication provider.

Scenario: A user logs into a web app using Google OAuth. After successful authentication, they are redirected back to the main application.

describe('Cross-Origin Authentication', () => {
  it('should log in using Google OAuth and return to the app', () => {
    // Visit the app's login page
    // Click the Google OAuth login button
    // Switch to Google domain for authentication
    cy.origin('', () => {
    // Back to the main application
    cy.url().should('include', '/dashboard'); // Verify redirection
    cy.get('#welcome-message').should('contain', 'Welcome, Test User');

Retaining State Across Origins

Use the cy.session() command to preserve cookies, local storage, and session data when navigating across origins.


Testing a shopping cart that requires interactions on two different subdomains.

describe('Cross-Origin Cart Test', () => {
  it('should retain cart data across subdomains', () => {
    // Use cy.session to maintain the session across subdomains
    cy.session('cart-session', () => {
      // Add item to the cart on the shop domain
      cy.get('button#add-to-cart').click(); // Add item to cart
      cy.get('span#cart-count').should('contain', '1'); // Verify item count

    // Navigate to the checkout domain
    cy.get('span#cart-count').should('contain', '1'); // Verify cart persists across domains

Best Practices for Cross-Origin Testing

  1. Mock External Requests:
    For critical workflows like authentication, mock API responses to avoid reliance on external systems. Use cy.intercept() to simulate third-party behaviour.
  2. Isolate Domain-Specific Logic:
    Group tests by origin using cy.origin() to clearly separate logic for each domain.
  3. Debugging Cross-Origin Issues:
    Use Cypress’s cy.log() and DevTools to trace issues in cross-origin workflows, especially around session persistence and redirections.

Key Use Case: Multi-Origin E-commerce Workflow

Scenario: A user shops for items on one domain, checks out on another, and is redirected to a payment provider’s domain for completing the purchase.

describe('Multi-Origin E-commerce Flow', () => {
  it('should complete a purchase across multiple domains', () => {
    // Add item to the cart on the shop domain

    // Navigate to the checkout domain and proceed with checkout
    cy.origin('', () => {

    // Complete payment on the payment provider domain
    cy.origin('', () => {

    // Verify successful order placement back on the shop domain
    cy.url().should('include', '/order-confirmation');
    cy.get('#order-id').should(''); // Ensure order ID is displayed

Key Takeaways

  • Cross-origin testing is essential for workflows involving redirections or multi-domain interactions.
  • The experimentalSessionAndOrigin flag provides a powerful solution for overcoming Cypress’s same-origin restrictions.
  • Use cy.origin() and cy.session() effectively to manage state and isolate domain-specific logic.
  • Mock external requests wherever possible to ensure consistent and reliable tests.

By mastering these techniques, you can confidently tackle the challenges of cross-origin testing in Cypress, ensuring end-to-end test coverage for even the most complex workflows.

Handling Browser Popups and Alerts in Cypress

Browser popups and alerts are commonly used in web applications for confirmations, warnings, and user notifications. Testing these features ensures that critical interactions work seamlessly and user experience remains intact. Cypress provides robust tools to handle both native browser dialogs (window.alert, window.confirm) and custom JavaScript modals efficiently.

In this guide, we explore how to handle and test browser popups and alerts with practical examples.

Types of Browser Popups and Alerts

  1. Native Browser Alerts:
    • window.alert: Displays a message to the user.
    • window.confirm: Displays a confirmation dialog with “OK” and “Cancel” options.
    • window.prompt: Prompts the user for input.
  2. Custom JavaScript Modals:
    • Often created using libraries like Bootstrap, Material UI, or custom code.
    • Typically DOM elements are styled to resemble native dialogs.

Testing Native Alerts in Cypress

Handling window.alert

Cypress automatically handles window.alert calls by default. To test its content:

describe('Handling Alerts', () => {
  it('should verify the text of a window.alert', () => {
    cy.on('window:alert', (alertText) => {
      expect(alertText).to.equal('This is an alert message!');
    cy.get('button#trigger-alert').click(); // Triggers the alert

Handling window.confirm

Cypress allows you to automatically confirm or cancel window.confirm dialogs.
Example: Auto-confirm a dialog

it('should confirm a window.confirm dialog', () => {
  cy.on('window:confirm', (confirmText) => {
    expect(confirmText).to.equal('Are you sure you want to proceed?');
    return true; // Simulates clicking "OK"
  cy.get('#status').should('contain', 'Confirmed');

Example: Auto-cancel a dialog

it('should cancel a window.confirm dialog', () => {
  cy.on('window:confirm', () => false); // Simulates clicking "Cancel"
  cy.get('#status').should('contain', 'Cancelled');

Handling window.prompt

You can simulate user input for window.prompt dialogs by overriding it in Cypress.

it(‘should handle a window.prompt’, () => {
cy.window().then((win) => {
cy.stub(win, ‘prompt’).returns(‘Cypress User’); // Stub the prompt
cy.get(‘#greeting’).should(‘contain’, ‘Hello, Cypress User!’);

Testing Custom JavaScript Modals

Custom modals are DOM elements that can be interacted with like any other HTML element.
Example: Validating a Bootstrap Modal

it('should validate a custom modal', () => {
  cy.get('button#open-modal').click(); // Opens the modal
  cy.get('.modal').should('be.visible'); // Assert modal is visible
  cy.get('.modal-header').should('contain', 'Modal Title'); // Validate modal content
  cy.get('.modal-footer button#close-modal').click(); // Close the modal
  cy.get('.modal').should('not.exist'); // Assert modal is closed

Best Practices for Handling Alerts and Popups

Stub Alerts for Consistency:
Use cy.stub() to mock native dialogs, especially for tests that require specific user inputs or outcomes.

Test Code Example: Using cy.stub() to Mock window.alert

describe('Form Submission with Alert', () => {
  it('should display a success alert on form submission', () => {
    cy.visit('/form-page'); // Visit the page with the form

    // Stub the window.alert method
    cy.window().then((win) => {
      cy.stub(win, 'alert').as('alertStub'); // Create a stub for the alert method

    // Fill out and submit the form
    cy.get('input#name').type('John Doe'); // Type the name into the input field
    cy.get('button#submit').click(); // Click the submit button

    // Verify that window.alert was called with the expected message
    cy.get('@alertStub').should('have.been.calledOnceWith', 'Form submitted successfully!');

    // Perform additional assertions, if needed
    cy.get('#status').should('contain', 'Submission complete'); // Verify the form submission status

How It Works:

  • Stub the window.alert:
    • The cy.stub() method replaces the window.alert method with a mock version.
    • The mock version is assigned an alias (@alertStub) for easier assertions.
  • Simulate User Interaction:
    • The test interacts with the form (e.g., typing into fields, clicking a button).
    • On submission, the application calls window.alert.
  • Assert Alert Behavior:
    • The test checks that window.alert was called once and verifies the expected message.
  1. Wait for Modal Elements:
    Custom modals may take time to appear. Use cy.wait() or assertions like should(‘be.visible’) to handle these scenarios.
  2. Combine UI and Functional Tests:
    Validate both the appearance and functionality of alerts to ensure the user flow works as expected.

Real-World Use Case: Delete Confirmation

Scenario: A user tries to delete an item from a list, triggering a window.confirm dialog.

describe('Delete Confirmation Test', () => {
  it('should handle the delete confirmation', () => {
    cy.visit('/items-page'); // Visit the page with the item list

    cy.get('button.delete-item').eq(0).click(); // Trigger delete for the first item

    // Handle the window.confirm dialog
    cy.on('window:confirm', (confirmText) => {
      expect(confirmText).to.equal('Are you sure you want to delete this item?'); // Assert confirm text
      return true; // Simulate clicking "OK" to confirm deletion

    // Assert that one item is removed from the list (assuming 5 items initially)
    cy.get('#item-list').children().should('have.length', 4); // Verify the length of the item list

Key Takeaways

  • Cypress simplifies testing native browser alerts and provides flexible handling of custom modals.
  • Use cy.on() for capturing native dialogs and cy.stub() for mocking their behaviour.
  • For custom modals, treat them as regular DOM elements and use Cypress’s rich set of commands to interact and validate.
  • Test both the visual appearance and functional behaviour of alerts and modals for comprehensive coverage.

With these techniques, you can handle browser popups and alerts confidently, ensuring your application’s critical interactions are thoroughly tested.

Implementing Data-Driven Testing in Cypress

Data-driven testing is an essential approach in test automation that involves running the same test case multiple times with different sets of input data. This ensures comprehensive test coverage, especially for scenarios requiring multiple variations of user input. Cypress, a popular end-to-end testing framework, supports data-driven testing with features like fixtures and custom data handling.

In this blog, we’ll explore how to implement data-driven testing effectively using Cypress, along with practical examples.

Why Data-Driven Testing?

  1. Enhanced Test Coverage:
    One of the key benefits of data-driven testing in Cypress is the ability to achieve enhanced test coverage by running the same test logic across multiple data sets. This ensures that all possible input combinations, edge cases, and unexpected inputs are thoroughly validated without duplicating test code.

How It Works

In traditional testing, a single test case often focuses on a specific input-output scenario. However, real-world applications are expected to handle a variety of inputs, including valid data, invalid data, and edge-case scenarios. Data-driven testing allows you to:

  1. Use Structured Data Sets:
    By defining inputs and expected outcomes in a structured format (like JSON or JavaScript objects), you can systematically verify how the application behaves under different conditions.
  2. Cover Edge Cases Efficiently:
    Instead of writing separate test cases for edge cases (e.g., minimum or maximum input lengths, special characters), you can include these cases directly in the test data.
  3. Simulate Real-World Scenarios:
    You can mimic user behaviours with varying input combinations, such as different usernames, roles, or language preferences.

Example: Validating a Login Form

Test Scenario: Verify that a login form accepts valid credentials and rejects invalid ones.

    "username": "validUser",
    "password": "validPass",
    "expectedMessage": "Welcome validUser!"
    "username": "validUser",
    "password": "wrongPass",
    "expectedMessage": "Invalid credentials"
    "username": "short",
    "password": "validPass",
    "expectedMessage": "Username must be at least 6 characters"
    "username": "validUser",
    "password": "",
    "expectedMessage": "Password cannot be empty"

Test Implementation in Cypress:

describe('Login Form Tests', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
  it('should validate login form with multiple data sets', () => {
    cy.fixture('loginTestData').then((testData) => {
      testData.forEach((test) => {
        // Enter credentials
        // Verify the result
        cy.get('.message').should('contain', test.expectedMessage);
        // Reset the form for the next iteration

Benefits in Enhanced Coverage

  1. Efficiency:
    A single test dynamically adapts to different input scenarios, eliminating redundant code and saving time.
  2. Reliability:
    The application is tested against diverse inputs, ensuring robustness in real-world usage.
  3. Consistency:
    Centralised data reduces the risk of inconsistent test logic or input variations.

Reusable Test Logic in Data-Driven Testing

Data-driven testing emphasises reusing the same test logic across multiple data sets, streamlining the process of validating different inputs without duplicating test code. By decoupling test data from test logic, you make your tests cleaner, easier to maintain, and more adaptable to changing requirements.

How It Works

  1. Centralised Data Handling:
    Test data is stored separately in files (e.g., JSON, CSV) or within objects in your test code. This eliminates hardcoded values, allowing for easier updates when data changes.
  2. Parameterized Test Execution:
    The test iterates over multiple data sets, dynamically substituting inputs and expected outputs for each iteration. This ensures that a single test covers a broad spectrum of scenarios.
  3. Minimised Redundancy:
    By reusing test steps for different inputs, you reduce duplication in your codebase, making your test scripts leaner and more efficient.

Example: Testing User Registration

Imagine a scenario where you need to validate the user registration form for different input combinations, such as valid data, missing required fields, or invalid email formats.

    "username": "john_doe",
    "email": "",
    "password": "password123",
    "expectedMessage": "Registration successful"
    "username": "",
    "email": "",
    "password": "password123",
    "expectedMessage": "Username is required"
    "username": "jane_doe",
    "email": "invalid-email",
    "password": "password123",
    "expectedMessage": "Enter a valid email"

Test Implementation in Cypress:

describe('User Registration Tests', () => {
  it('should test registration with multiple data sets', () => {
    cy.fixture('registrationData').then((data) => {
      data.forEach((user) => {
        // Fill the form
        if (user.username) cy.get('#username').type(user.username);
        if ( cy.get('#email').type(;
        if (user.password) cy.get('#password').type(user.password);
        // Submit the form
        // Validate the response message
        cy.get('.message').should('contain', user.expectedMessage);

Advantages of Reusable Test Logic

  1. Efficiency Gains:
    Writing one reusable test for all scenarios saves significant time compared to creating individual tests for each data set.
  2. Simplified Maintenance:
    When requirements change, you only need to update the test data, leaving the test logic untouched. For example, if the registration form introduces a new field, you update the data set to include it, and the same test adapts to the change.
  3. Scalability:
    Adding more test cases is as simple as appending new entries to the data source. There’s no need to write new test functions for every new scenario.
  4. Consistency in Validation:
    Reusable logic ensures the same testing steps and validations are applied consistently across all data sets.

Real-World Use Case: Multi-Role Access Testing

In an application where different user roles (e.g., Admin, User, Guest) have varying permissions, you can use reusable test logic to validate access controls for all roles.

Test Data:

    "role": "Admin",
    "accessLevel": "Full",
    "expectedPages": ["Dashboard", "Settings", "Reports"]
    "role": "User",
    "accessLevel": "Limited",
    "expectedPages": ["Dashboard", "Reports"]
    "role": "Guest",
    "accessLevel": "Read-Only",
    "expectedPages": ["Dashboard"]

Test Code:

describe('Role-Based Access Control Tests', () => {
  it('should validate access levels for different roles', () => {
    cy.fixture('roleData').then((roles) => {
      roles.forEach((role) => {
        cy.loginAs(role.role); // Custom command for logging in as a specific role

        // Validate accessible pages for the given role
        role.expectedPages.forEach((page) => {
          cy.get('h1').should('contain', page); // Check if the page title matches the expected one

        // Attempt access to restricted pages and verify access is denied
        const restrictedPages = ['Dashboard', 'Settings', 'Reports'].filter(
          (page) => !role.expectedPages.includes(page) // Filter out pages the role is allowed to access

        restrictedPages.forEach((page) => {
          cy.get('.error-message').should('contain', 'Access Denied'); // Ensure access is blocked

Improved Maintenance with Data-Driven Testing

In automation, maintenance is often the most time-consuming aspect, particularly when changes occur in the application under test (AUT). Centralised data storage in data-driven testing significantly simplifies updates, making your tests adaptable, scalable, and easier to maintain.

Why Centralised Data Storage Matters

  1. Separation of Test Logic and Data:
    Storing test data separately in external files (like JSON, CSV, or YAML) ensures that test logic remains untouched when data changes. This modular approach prevents test scripts from being cluttered with hardcoded values.
  2. Ease of Updates:
    When an input requirement changes—such as a new field being added to a form, updated validation rules, or modified business logic—you only need to update the test data source. This update reflects across all test cases that use the affected data set.
  3. Consistency Across Tests:
    Centralised data ensures that all tests access the same source of truth, reducing the risk of inconsistencies caused by duplicate or outdated data in scattered scripts.
  4. Collaboration-Friendly:
    QA teams can manage and share data files independently of the test code. Non-technical team members can contribute to test data creation without diving into the codebase.

Example: Testing a Product Search Functionality

Imagine testing a search functionality in an e-commerce app where you validate search results for multiple inputs like product names, categories, and invalid terms.
Test Data in JSON File (searchData.json):

    "query": "laptop",
    "expectedResultsCount": 5
    "query": "smartphone",
    "expectedResultsCount": 8
    "query": "randomItem123",
    "expectedResultsCount": 0

Test Implementation in Cypress:

describe('Product Search Tests', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    cy.visit('/search'); // Visit the search page before each test

  it('should verify search results for multiple queries', () => {
    cy.fixture('searchData').then((searchQueries) => {
      searchQueries.forEach((data) => {
        // Perform search

        // Assert that the number of search results matches the expected count
        cy.get('.results-item').should('have.length', data.expectedResultsCount);

        // Optionally, log data for debugging
        cy.log(`Tested query: ${data.query} with expected result count: ${data.expectedResultsCount}`);

Benefits of Centralised Data in This Example

  1. Quick Adaptation to Changes:
    If the search logic changes to include filters or return a fixed number of results, you only need to adjust searchData.json. The test script itself remains unaffected.
  2. Easily Extendable Scenarios:
    Adding new queries (e.g., “tablets” or “headphones”) is as simple as appending to the searchData.json file. No modifications to the test code are required.
  3. Reduced Duplication:
    Without centralised data, you might end up writing separate tests for each query, duplicating logic unnecessarily.
  4. Simplified Debugging:
    If a test fails, checking the data file alongside logs (e.g., Tested query: laptop) makes identifying the issue straightforward.

When Updates Occur in Application Logic

  • Scenario:
    Suppose the search functionality introduces a new feature where empty queries display a default list of trending products.

Update searchData.json to include:

  "query": "",
    "expectedResultsCount": 10

The existing Cypress script will automatically handle this case without requiring any changes to the test logic.

Custom Data Files for Parameterization

Sometimes, data needs to be dynamically generated or retrieved from external sources (e.g., databases, APIs). You can define custom data objects or import data from external files.
Example: Using JavaScript Objects for Test Data

const userData = [
  { username: 'admin', password: 'admin123', expectedRole: 'Admin' },
  { username: 'guest', password: 'guest123', expectedRole: 'Guest' }

describe('Parameterized Role Tests', () => {
  userData.forEach((user) => {
    it(`should validate the role for ${user.username}`, () => {
      cy.get('#role').should('contain', user.expectedRole);

Handling Data-Driven API Tests

Cypress can be used for API testing as well. By parameterizing requests with multiple data sets, you can validate backend behaviour.
Example: Testing API Responses with Dynamic Data

const apiTestData = [
  { userId: 1, expectedName: 'John Doe' },
  { userId: 2, expectedName: 'Jane Doe' }

describe('API Data-Driven Tests', () => {
  apiTestData.forEach((test) => {
    it(`should verify the user name for userId ${test.userId}`, () => {
      cy.request(`/api/users/${test.userId}`).then((response) => {

Best Practices for Data-Driven Testing

  1. Centralize Test Data:
    Keep test data in a dedicated folder (fixtures or external data sources) for easier maintenance.
  2. Validate Data Completeness:
    Ensure all required data fields are present and properly formatted.
  3. Leverage Dynamic Data:
    Use tools like faker.js to generate random but realistic test data for complex scenarios.
  4. Separate Data from Test Logic:
    This enhances code readability and makes tests more modular.

Real-World Use Case: Multi-Language Testing

A website supports multiple languages, and you need to test the login page’s language localization.

Fixture File (languages.json):

    "language": "en",
    "usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
    "passwordPlaceholder": "Password"
    "language": "es",
    "usernamePlaceholder": "Usuario",
    "passwordPlaceholder": "Contraseña"

Test Code:

describe('Multi-Language Login Page Tests', () => {
  it('should validate placeholders in different languages', () => {
    cy.fixture('languages').then((languages) => {
      languages.forEach((lang) => {
        cy.visit(`/login?lang=${lang.language}`); // Visit the login page with the current language query param
        // Validate the placeholder for the username field
          .should('have.attr', 'placeholder', lang.usernamePlaceholder);
        // Validate the placeholder for the password field
          .should('have.attr', 'placeholder', lang.passwordPlaceholder);

Key Takeaways

  • Data-driven testing simplifies and scales your test cases, making them reusable and maintainable.
  • Cypress’s built-in support for fixtures and dynamic parameterization makes implementing this strategy straightforward.
  • Always separate test logic and data for cleaner code and better test organisation.
  • Incorporate data-driven testing into both UI and API tests for comprehensive test coverage.

By adopting these techniques, you can ensure your automation framework is both robust and efficient, capable of handling diverse testing requirements seamlessly.

Testing Drag-and-Drop Features in Cypress

Drag-and-drop functionality is a critical interaction in many web applications, particularly those involving UI elements such as file uploads, list rearrangements, or even complex data manipulation interfaces. However, testing drag-and-drop features presents unique challenges due to the involvement of custom DOM events, animations, and the need for precise mouse movements. This article explores how to effectively test drag-and-drop interactions in Cypress, addressing the key challenges and offering solutions.

Challenges with Drag-and-Drop Testing

  1. Custom DOM Events and Animations: Many drag-and-drop implementations rely on custom JavaScript events (such as dragstart, drag, dragend, drop) to simulate the drag-and-drop process. These events may not always trigger as expected, especially in automated testing environments. In addition, animations and delays in rendering can interfere with testing accuracy and timing, making it difficult to capture the correct state after the drag action.
  2. Element Positioning and Mouse Movements: Dragging an element across the screen involves precise control over mouse events, including clicking, moving, and releasing the mouse. While Cypress provides powerful commands for simulating clicks and hover events, accurately simulating the entire drag-and-drop process can be tricky, especially for complex elements.
  3. Handling Nested or Multi-Step Drags: Many drag-and-drop scenarios involve moving items between nested containers, or performing multi-step actions, such as dragging an item, modifying its content, and then dropping it into another container. Handling these types of complex scenarios requires careful sequencing of actions and ensuring that each step is correctly validated.

Solutions for Testing Drag-and-Drop

  1. Using Cypress Plugins: cypress-drag-drop 

One of the most effective ways to handle drag-and-drop tests in Cypress is by using a specialised plugin like cypress-drag-drop. This plugin provides commands that allow you to simulate the drag-and-drop interaction more reliably, making it easier to test even complex UI components.

Installation: To install cypress-drag-drop, run the following command in your project directory

npm install –save-dev cypress-drag-drop

Example Usage:

Once installed, you can use the plugin to simulate drag-and-drop actions in your tests. Here’s an example of testing a simple drag-and-drop between two containers.

import 'cypress-drag-drop';

describe('Drag and Drop Test', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    cy.visit('/drag-and-drop-page'); // Visit the page before each test

  it('should drag an item from one container to another', () => {
    // Locate the element to drag and the target container
      .drag('#target-container'); // Drag the item from source to target container

    // Assert that the item is now in the target container
      .should('have.length', 1)  // Ensure the item is present
      .and('contain', 'Item Name or ID');  // Ensure the correct item is inside the target container

In this example:

  • We use cy.get() to locate the draggable item and the target container.
  • The .drag() command from the cypress-drag-drop plugin simulates the dragging of the item from the source to the target container.
  • We then assert that the dragged item exists within the target container, confirming the drop action was successful.

Handling Custom DOM Events

Sometimes, drag-and-drop features involve custom DOM events, and you may need to simulate these events manually to ensure the interactions work correctly. While Cypress offers basic support for interacting with the DOM, you might need to trigger specific events programmatically for more fine-grained control over your drag-and-drop actions.

Example of Custom DOM Event Handling:

describe('Custom Drag and Drop Test', () => {
  it('should trigger custom drag-and-drop events', () => {
    cy.visit('/drag-and-drop-page'); // Visit the page before starting the test

    const source = cy.get('#source'); // Element to drag
    const target = cy.get('#target'); // Target where the item is dropped

    // Simulate dragging the item by triggering mouse events
    source.trigger('mousedown', { which: 1 }); // Mouse down on source element
    target.trigger('mousemove', { clientX: 200, clientY: 200 }); // Simulate mouse move over target
    source.trigger('mouseup'); // Mouse up to drop the item

    // Assert that the item is dropped in the target container
      .should('contain', 'Item Dropped') // Check that target contains the expected text
      .and('have.class', 'dropped'); // Optionally check if target container has a class that indicates the item is dropped


  • We manually trigger mousedown, mousemove, and mouseup events to simulate a drag-and-drop interaction.
  • These events can be customised further to match the exact behaviour of your drag-and-drop functionality.
  • After the drop, we assert that the target container contains the expected text, confirming the drop was successful.

Handling Nested or Multi-Step Drags

For more complex drag-and-drop scenarios, such as when dealing with nested containers or multi-step interactions, you need to ensure that the sequence of actions is accurately simulated and validated.

Example of Nested Drag-and-Drop:

import 'cypress-drag-drop';

describe('Nested Drag and Drop Test', () => {
  it('should drag an item from a nested container to another nested container', () => {
    cy.visit('/nested-drag-and-drop-page'); // Visit the page before starting the test

    // Locate the source item in the nested container and perform the drag action
      .drag('#target-container'); // Drag the item from nested source to target container

    // Assert that the item was successfully moved to the target container
      .should('exist'); // Check that the item is present in the target container

In this case, the draggable item resides inside a nested container (#outer-container → #inner-container), and the drop target is a different container. The test navigates through the nested elements to locate and drag the item, then verifies the drop.

Edge Cases and Best Practices

  1. Animations and Timing Delays:
    Since drag-and-drop often involves animations, it’s important to account for timing delays. Cypress offers commands like .wait() or .timeout() to handle such delays. You may also need to use cy.intercept() to wait for any asynchronous events related to the drag-and-drop action.
  2. Validating Drop Target After Dragging:
    After performing a drag, ensure that your test checks the final state of the drop target, such as verifying the presence of the dragged item, checking if the target’s content has been updated, or asserting any visual changes that occur after the drop.
  3. Multiple Drags in Sequence:
    For multi-step drag-and-drop operations, you should ensure that each step is properly sequenced and validated. You can use cy.wait() to simulate the time taken for each drag-and-drop step or use conditional assertions to check intermediate steps before proceeding to the next one.

Key Takeaways

  • Testing drag-and-drop functionality in Cypress can be challenging due to the need for simulating complex mouse movements, custom DOM events, and animations, but it’s manageable with the right tools and techniques.
  • Using plugins like cypress-drag-drop simplifies the process, providing reliable drag-and-drop actions while reducing the complexity of custom event handling.
  • Handling nested or multi-step drag-and-drop operations requires careful sequencing of actions and precise validation at each step to ensure correct functionality.
  • Managing timing issues, such as animations and delays, is crucial to ensure tests are stable and do not fail due to asynchronous processes.
  • By employing these best practices, your drag-and-drop tests can be robust, scalable, and maintainable, ensuring that your UI interactions are consistently validated across different use cases.

Using Environment Variables for Configurable Tests in Cypress

In modern software testing, flexibility and scalability are key to maintaining an effective test automation framework. One of the best ways to achieve this is by using environment variables, which allow you to configure your tests dynamically based on the environment they are running in. This approach enables seamless transitions between development, testing, staging, and production environments without hardcoding values into your test scripts.

Benefits of Managing Test Environments with Variables

  1. Separation of Configuration and Test Logic:
    Environment variables allow you to separate the configuration details (such as API endpoints, login credentials, or feature flags) from the actual test logic. This ensures that tests are reusable across different environments without changes to the test code.
  2. Improved Test Scalability:
    By using environment variables, you can easily scale your tests to multiple environments or scenarios. For example, running the same test suite against different databases or URLs, with no changes to the test code itself.
  3. Enhanced Security:
    Storing sensitive information such as passwords, access tokens, and keys in environment variables is much more secure than hardcoding them into test scripts. This minimises the risk of exposing sensitive data in source control or logs.
  4. Simplified Continuous Integration (CI) Setup:
    CI tools like Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or CircleCI often use environment variables to configure different stages of the pipeline (e.g., test, deploy). Using environment variables in Cypress ensures that your tests can easily integrate into CI pipelines and run in different environments without modification.

Setting Up cypress.env.json and Using CYPRESS_ Environment Variables

Cypress provides an easy way to manage environment variables with two main methods: the cypress.env.json file and CYPRESS_ environment variables passed during the test run.

Using cypress.env.json File:

The cypress.env.json file is the simplest way to store environment variables for local testing. This file contains key-value pairs where you can define variables specific to your environment.

Example cypress.env.json:

  "baseUrl": "",
  "env": {
    "username": "testUser",
    "password": "testPassword123",
    "apiUrl": ""

By defining these variables, you can access them in your test scripts like so:

describe('Login Test', () => {
  it('should log in with valid credentials', () => {
    cy.url().should('include', '/dashboard');

In this example:

  • The baseUrl, username, and password values are retrieved from the cypress.env.json file.
  • This allows the tests to remain flexible and adaptable, depending on the environment they are run in.

Using CYPRESS_ Environment Variables in CI:

In Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines, you can pass environment variables using the CYPRESS_ prefix. This allows you to configure your tests based on the environment without modifying the code.

Example in CI:

npx cypress open


  • We define CYPRESS_baseUrl, CYPRESS_username, and CYPRESS_password directly in the CI configuration (e.g., GitHub Actions, Jenkins, etc.).
  • These values will override any corresponding values in the cypress.env.json file, making it easy to switch between environments without changing code.

Practical Example: Testing API Endpoints with Different Environments

Imagine you’re testing an API that requires different URLs for development, staging, and production. Instead of modifying your test code, you can use environment variables to easily switch between environments.

Example  cypress.env.json:

  "env": {
    "devApiUrl": "",
    "stagingApiUrl": "",
    "prodApiUrl": ""

Test Script:

describe('API Test', () => {
  it('should fetch data from the correct environment API', () => {
    const apiUrl = Cypress.env('apiUrl') 
      ? Cypress.env(Cypress.env('apiUrl')) 
      : Cypress.env('devApiUrl'); // Default to devApiUrl if not specified

    cy.request(apiUrl + '/data-endpoint')
      .should('eq', 200);

In this example:

  • The Cypress.env() function is used to fetch the appropriate API URL based on the environment.
  • This ensures that the same test code can be executed across different environments without any code changes.

Key Takeaways

  • Dynamic Configuration: Using environment variables enables dynamic configuration for tests, making it easy to switch between different environments and adapt to changing requirements.
  • Separation of Concerns: Storing sensitive or environment-specific data in environment variables ensures that test scripts remain clean, modular, and free of hardcoded values.
  • Security and Scalability: Environment variables improve the security of your tests by protecting sensitive data and make your tests more scalable as they adapt seamlessly across various environments.
  • CI/CD Compatibility: Environment variables play well with CI/CD systems, making it easier to manage tests across multiple stages and environments, ensuring a smooth integration with automated workflows.

Testing Complex Form Validations in Cypress

Form validation is a fundamental aspect of most web applications, ensuring that users submit valid and correct data. When automating tests for complex forms, especially ones with dynamic or multi-step inputs, handling form validation becomes crucial. In Cypress, testing form validation is straightforward for static forms, but when it comes to more complex cases—such as real-time validation, multi-step forms, or dynamic rules—the testing approach requires more careful consideration.

Automating Validation Rules

One of the first steps in testing complex forms is to ensure that the input fields behave correctly according to validation rules. These rules can include:

  • Required Fields: Ensuring that users cannot submit forms with mandatory fields left blank.
  • Regex Patterns: Verifying that input fields such as email or phone numbers match the correct format.
  • Dynamic Validation: Rules that change based on previous user input or selected options.

Example: Required Field Validation

describe('API Test', () => {
  it('should fetch data from the correct environment API', () => {
    const apiUrl = Cypress.env('apiUrl') 
      ? Cypress.env(Cypress.env('apiUrl')) 
      : Cypress.env('devApiUrl'); // Default to devApiUrl if not specified

    cy.request(apiUrl + '/data-endpoint')
      .should('eq', 200);

Here, the test checks if submitting the form without filling the required fields triggers the appropriate error message.

Dealing with Real-Time Validation and Delayed Responses

In modern web applications, forms often provide real-time validation feedback—such as checking the availability of a username or validating an email format as users type. These validations are typically triggered via API calls or client-side JavaScript. When automating tests for such forms, it’s important to handle asynchronous actions and delays.

Example: Real-Time Validation for Email Field

describe('Email Validation', () => {
  it('should show error message if email is invalid', () => {
    // Type an invalid email
    // Assert real-time validation error
 cy.get('.email-error').should('contain', 'Please enter a valid email address');

In this example, the test simulates typing an invalid email address and checks for the real-time error message that appears. Cypress automatically waits for the element to appear, so the test is more stable in handling delayed responses.

Handling Multi-Step or Wizard-Style Forms

Multi-step forms or wizard-style forms (where the user completes a series of steps to fill out a form) require additional attention in automation. Each step might have its own validation rules, and some fields might depend on the values entered in previous steps.

Example: Multi-Step Form Validation

describe('Multi-Step Form', () => {
  it('should validate each step before moving to the next', () => {
    // Step 1: Fill out first page
    // Assert that the form moves to the next step
    cy.url().should('include', '/step-2');
    // Step 2: Fill out second page
    // Assert that the second step fails due to invalid email
    cy.get('.email-error').should('contain', 'Please enter a valid email address');

In this test, the form goes through two steps:

  • In Step 1, the user enters a username and password.
  • In Step 2, the user provides an invalid email, and the test ensures the form validation is triggered.

Cypress makes it easy to handle this type of testing because it waits for the elements to load before moving on, which is particularly useful when dealing with multi-step forms or those that depend on previous data.

Key Takeaways

  • Comprehensive Validation: It’s essential to test all validation rules—required fields, regex patterns, and dynamic rules—across all form fields.
  • Real-Time Validation: Handle asynchronous or delayed validation responses, ensuring that your tests wait for real-time feedback to avoid false positives.
  • Multi-Step Forms: Automating tests for multi-step forms requires careful sequencing and validation checks after each step to ensure proper functionality.
  • Stability and Efficiency: With Cypress, you can write stable and efficient tests for complex form validations, ensuring that user input is correctly validated and the form behaves as expected.


Cypress is a powerful automation tool, but like any framework, it comes with its own set of challenges. From managing Shadow DOM elements and interacting with iframes to handling cross-origin workflows and browser popups, each hurdle requires a tailored approach to ensure stable and efficient test execution. This blog explored solutions for these challenges, including using specialized commands, leveraging plugins, and adopting best practices to tackle complex scenarios.

By implementing data-driven testing, configuring environment variables, and optimizing tests for intricate features like drag-and-drop and form validations, you can transform these challenges into opportunities to enhance your test automation suite. Armed with these strategies, testers can push the boundaries of Cypress and deliver more reliable, maintainable, and scalable test coverage for modern web applications.

Witness how our meticulous approach and cutting-edge solutions elevated quality and performance to new heights. Begin your journey into the world of software testing excellence. To know more refer to Tools & Technologies & QA Services.

If you would like to learn more about the awesome services we provide, be sure to reach out.

Happy testing! 🙂